This is a support category for help on topics related to helping developers better implement educational topics on the Roblox platform.
You may present your thread how you choose, but you are required to answer the following questions in your thread;
What are you attempting to achieve? (Keep it simple and clear)
Attempting to know and make the 3d-like effect (The party pop or colorful thing popping) on gui looking like a 3d (Although i dont think its a video ui, right?).
Nothing seems to be an issue here, but I am curious on how to make one as shown in the video
What solutions have you tried so far? (Have you searched for solutions through the Roblox Wiki yet?)
I seem not to find a source of it from the dev forum. For me, it is quite hard to explain what I want to achieve, so providing help is appreciated!
For some reason the model is offsale now, probably because it’s extremely old. The code probably isn’t the highest quality, as stated by the creator themselves in their original tweet.