Strange, good thing I got it in time
Hey,i saw it became on sale.
I can’t seem to find the option to disable LayeredClothing in our games. It’s causing some problems due to the way our games are designed to play like, and we’re currently seemingly unable to disable them through the option.

I’m sure it’ll be resolved but I wish that new options were only applied to new places and not to legacy places.
Edit: I had to enable the Layered Clothing Beta to disable something I didn’t originally have switched on. Huh.
Hello, it seems like avatar animations doesn’t work with layered clothing, is this a bug or smth not added yet or it’s suppose to do that?
I made you this script to disable layered clothing
You can choose if remove the layered clothing or disabling on clothings the Touch Detection and black list the clothes from raycasts
local RemoveLayered = false
--Collision props
local CanTouch = true --DEFUALT: true
local CanQuery = true --DEFUALT: true
function clothing_setup(v)
if v:FindFirstChild("Handle") and v.Handle:FindFirstChildOfClass("WrapLayer") then
if RemoveLayered then
else--if isnot going to remove
v.Handle.CanTouch = CanTouch
v.Handle.CanQuery = CanQuery
end--search wrap layer
end--fx clothingsetup
--Child is Added
if not child:IsA("Accessory") then return end
for _, v in pairs (char:GetChildren() ) do
if not v:IsA("Accessory") then continue end
end)--char added
I agree with you, I’ve been playing roblox since 2015 and I have always loved the blocky design and aesthetic. I like R15 as well, but I just personally love R6 and it’s simplicity.
That being said, I like many others did not like the design shift to Rthro, and with this new update it is clear that they are going to be continuing that shift. I think that this update could open the window to many new features, but I just can’t say I think it’s going to be doing any good as it shifts the design from the simplistic blocky look to an uncanny avatar that I just don’t think belongs here.
After looking at it a bit more, I actually do think that this could potentially have some very nice applications, however I still think this feels like an update meant to focus the shift toward the Rthro design direction. From what I’ve seen so far it works somewhat well, but occasionally the character’s mesh clips through the clothing’s mesh.
Just tried to make a dress lol. I was surprised, it actually fits most avatars really nicely besides being a little lumpy. But when anims are playing it looks awful because I just used automatic weights. It would be nice if the rig in the layered clothing template .blend was weight painted so people who use it can weight paint their clothes and test it out before exporting.
I guess I can now properly agree considering some 3D clothing is already out on the catalog. The only thing that necessarily changed was… the width. It’s, quite literally, putting a square peg into a circle. I honestly don’t want to see what R6 looks like if that’s what R15 looks like released publicly.
That second point, however
is just as valid as the first. Fortunately, no Roblox update is ever finished as soon as it comes out. Maybe we could see R6-custom layered clothing in the future; apparently layered clothing can be made by creators. Might kill the 2010 feel, but at least we then wouldn’t have… those.
This is actually pretty neat, I’ve wanted this for a long time, as I can now fully finish editors and such, thank you Roblox!. Keep on with the awesome work you contribute with. I am genuinely happy that we also can see new developers make awesome projects with this feature.
Found something looking for anims in my inv, actually
2D clothing displayed in the inventory as ‘classic’, nice
and “Tops” for 3D clothing; lots of support for 3D clothing so far, that’s good
and the catalog apparently
When I try clicking Jackets it says that the catalog is temp closed. Not sure why
Isn’t layered clothing meant to delete underlying character geometry which the clothes cover? This doesn’t seem to be working as of late
I know clipping is common (especially with some packages more than others), but the tech just doesn’t work anymore
Weight painting my own layered clothing has been a pain trying to accommodate with this
**EDIT: Nevermind, figured to set the layered clothing property to Enabled and reload studio
So are there any plans for layered clothing to eventually support R6 in the long run?
I understand that it works with everything else at the moment, but nobody really knows if this new feature is either gonna ignore R6 completely or if it’ll eventually work with it.
There are some clothing’s that don’t really look good on blocky avatars. but this looks really good. Can’t wait to see what ugc creators do
No I don’t think it will ever work for r6, there’s probably some sort of limitation.
Quick Answer: No
Why RR6 will not receive Layered Clothing
You might be thinking why I put two R’s in the title here and I did that on purpose.
With new upcoming updates developers will create new variants of R6, you’ll have DR6 (Developer R6) and RR6 (Roblox R6). Creators will create R6 Variants using R15 Joints that are compatible with Skinned Mesh although take on the form as an R6 Character but that will only work with most of the basic forms such as our classic Blocky R6 since we have to create and do all the weight maps before the character is imported into Roblox for public use
Superhero Package
And maybe a few others that I haven’t listed here.
Short being R6 Characters simply are not compatible with R15 Technology due to the limitations they have, now don’t be frightened as we can be sure R6 will not be leaving roblox any time soon as they are still making packages compatible with R6, R15 and S15.
Hopefully this helps you understand why R6 will not be receiving these types of updates as it simply is not compatible with newer technology.
I have a game that currently uses layered clothing on a (placeholder) character. The piece of clothing is a retextured version of Roblox’s own clothing, but there’s still a lot of clipping compared to the official version. It seems like it doesn’t hide the polygons of the body under it.
Eh, makes sense I suppose.
I still kinda want an answer from an official staff member though since it’s not really confirmed yet.
Guess this will have to work for you, not sure if this is the answer your looking for.