I think it might be both. But if it was to be one it would probably be R15
Edit: I just saw some other posts. It’s only for R15
I think it might be both. But if it was to be one it would probably be R15
Edit: I just saw some other posts. It’s only for R15
oh i don’t mean in catalog, i meant in your own game in studio, the skinned mesh system itself is easily supportable for R6 so long as you replace/add onto the default 6 limbs with mesh versions to allow for clothing to wrap
nothing’s stopping a developer on roblox studio from being able to support it if they want to
Alright, it’s just that I (and I’m confident others) have felt a bit lost on how skinned meshes work, and to release a feature on top of it makes it feel like I’m falling even further behind.
Seems like the only ones who are able to try these new features are those that are willing to pull their hair out trying to make it work. I already spent two stressful weeks in the past figuring out just how the regular R15 Avatar Importer works because the Developer Hub page on it leaves out crucial information or assumes that you know certain things. This is a pattern I’ve noticed with a lot of documentation.
Not everyone is going to have it so easily “click” on how these features work or go together. Even if they view example places, it may not be obvious how they get to that point.
It’s definitely a big leap, and it’s clearly got potential, but I’m not sure about how much consideration has gone into the typical Roblox creator, i.e. I’m fairly sure most people are not particularly adept at 3D-modelling creases into a sleeve with Blender.
In my opinion, I think mixing the new and old might be good, like having a few basic 3D items sold by, for example, Roblox, which can be “expanded” by having retextures by other designers for sale, that can be applied to it. If the first purchase is a 3D hoodie for 50 robux, then someone buys 5 textures for 10 robux, it doubles its economic value: the potential for a royalty to the original 3D modeller, variety/choice for players, and an easily accessible means for many more designers (like there is currently).
Here’s a mockup and scope that mixing old and new could appeal to.
Looks interesting, possibly limited suppliers, good potential. There are still a lot more R6/R15 around that Rthro. Maybe making retextures an official thing could be something to look into.
where can I get the place to test them?
maybe or maybe not who knows lol
When you load the place file up in runtime there’s a button in the top left you can press to test it in the avatar editor
It appears that certain packages (such as the crimson claw package) do not work properly with some shirts.
This issue is fairly recent, last week the Roblox t-shirt was wrapping around my avatar’s waist just fine.
yoooo iwas waiting for that ihope they add WrapTarget to parts so can they lay on other parts on roblox studio
But one thing if in the future they believe that they will be able to make 3D clothing for the UGC?
I’m quite excited for when this will be available in the avatar shop! I have a question tho, are people gonna be able to make ugc shirts/pants?
I wish I could script what ever I wanted… I would use this in my game I have an idea for. This would be nice to use with custom characters
I love these new features Roblox is adding to the platform one of them being this, My I work on an RP game and we use R6 characters so if I want to use this I’d need to switch to R15
Anyways they don’t know were making the switch to R15 in the new version of the game
Can’t wait to start experimenting with this feature!
Would it be possible to make a cage mesh for a blocky rig rather than an rthro rig?
WHAT?! IS IT ON THE AVATAR SHOP?! YAY!! Good job Roblox!
Wow, this is coming out great. I love all of the updates lately, Roblox is trying to push out their game to be more realistic, especially with what was announced at RDC 2021. I am all for these updates and ideas, I think it’s stuff that hasn’t really ever been done before and it is super cool. I am totally getting Ready Player One (The movie) vibes off of these future updates, and I am all for it.
Keep up the great work whoever are behind these updates.
They will just move on to doing layered clothing design. This will be included in UGC.