3D Model Thumbnail Fails to Load / Corrupt Files

Recently, we’ve run into an issue where our 3D models’ thumbnails fail to load. This applies to items uploaded a few days ago and items that are over a year old and haven’t caused issues before this. This behavior for us started on March 11 around 1/2pm PT. It was first noticed in our development environment and we began to see the behavior make its way into our production environment through various developer accounts.

This behavior is seen both in Studio and in game builds for all our environments. It appears to be platform and device agnostic - we see this on mobile, PC, Mac, tablet, etc. Testers were on different networks in various parts of the continental US and abroad. We also saw odd thumbnail behavior on other games when checking if this was isolated to our project.

Current repro steps:

  1. Start the game
  2. Wait for the game to load and/or hit ‘skip loading’
  3. Close the event pop up info with the ‘close’ button at the bottom of the screen
  4. On the lefthand side, select the UI icon named ‘Free UGC’
  5. See center item named ‘Stylish Black Denim Leg Warmers’ without a thumbnail above
  6. Select blank image button to see a detailed view of the item loading on your avatar, item information being pulled from Roblox listing, and the thumbnail image failing to load
  7. Hit the back arrow twice to navigate to the shopping menu home
  8. See each of the 3 columns (‘Free UGC’, ‘Feature’ and ‘Our Store’) without any image loading in each
  9. Select ‘Featured’ and see new page that loads without any thumbnails loading on the image buttons
  10. Select any blank image button, select ‘info’, and see same detailed view from earlier of item applied to your avatar, item info pulled from Roblox listing, thumbnail failing to load, and purchase button.

Photos for guidance:

I found another instance of this kind of error occurring in the dev forums from 2019 that was resolved by Roblox staff. I’m curious if our issue is similar. Model thumbnail assets failing to load

Expected behavior

The expected behavior is that the thumbnails of our UGC will load on our ‘Image Buttons’ and in game. Please see attached image of behavior previously working correctly.

A private message is associated with this bug report

These reproduction steps can’t be followed properly if you haven’t attached your game file:

You need to provide the image URLs of the thumbnails that fail to load, or their respective catalog item IDs.