5 Things You Should Do BEFORE starting clothing design

This is my first post. I am only doing this for peoples advantage, these are simply tips I recommend, and some info you might have not known. I hope to do more helpful posts like this in the future for your benefit.


Download this

  1. Body to display your clothes
  2. clothing template to help make a custom template

#1: Educate yourself
Try to find more posts like this on the devforum, including beginner guides and tips to clothing design. (I plan on making similar posts in the future.) Youtube and different social media platforms are also great as well. You can watch tutorials, speed designs, and learn about the different aspects of clothing design. Make sure you’re familiar with the topic of clothing design before you actually do anything else. Educating yourself does not give any right to copy or steal.

#2: Purify your intentions
Do not do clothing design for the sake of robux or money. In the end, you won’t be satisfied and will lose your interest in clothing design. Designing should be a hobby, and you should be doing it for your enjoyment. Earning robux/money from clothing design should only be a perk or advantage (in most cases).

#3: Find a software that works best for you
You do not need to spend money in order to have good designing software. There are multiple free options that work perfectly, but obviously it is all up to you, and what you are most comfortable with. It also depends where you are designing. You can research more on different types of software that work for you. Try out a few you can, and make sure to play around and learn the software before designing.

My recommendations:
pixlr (browser)
Paint.net (only available on windows)
Procreate (not free, good for apple mobile users)

#4: Create your OWN template and watermark
Do these look familiar?

Well, whether you have seen this or not, it is the Roblox clothing template. These templates are very important, and they are a necessity to design. Although it is a template, you should treat it as a reference, and while people use this template to design, it is not very smart because it is very easy for people to steal (unless you have a watermark, but still, a custom one is much more reliable even with a watermark). Not only is it more reliable to have a custom one, but it also gives you full ownership and expresses yourself more. You get to create your own template and design it the way you want. (Make 2 templates, one for tops and another for bottoms, Make sure to make it clear which is which, labeling helps.) You can learn more on how to create one from youtube, and can learn how to make it on any available software you desire. A watermark should go on top of your clothes, but it should be light and clear, so it is visible how your design looks. Only expose your template to someone if they are going to upload your clothing, otherwise advertise or display your designs through body pictures and make sure to have a watermark with it as well. Do not upload watermarked clothing, but have a watermarked version if you are going to or plan on showcasing your clothing

Examples of custom templates

Example of watermarked clothing

Examples of body pictures (for advertising/display)

🌼NUTEST on Twitter: "New outfit~ Yellow : https://t.co/vhg7YQ7FHG  https://t.co/V0QgdtPbYw Red : https://t.co/xUYHO8gN1m  https://t.co/eEt6EUK8B8 Pearl : https://t.co/5ZhYRTn18M  https://t.co/SJnNjhLZIw Likes and rts apreciated <3 #Roblox #RobloxDev ...

#5: Don’t rush and don’t stress!
It’s ok, you will not be perfect when you first start, it’s worth it though. The journey of learning more and more designing skills will help you. You will improve, even if it’s very slow. Start with the basics before you start creating more complex clothing with more details such as shadows and wrinkles. Remember you got this, you are not alone, and have a whole community to support you through.


what about photoshop? I really like that software cuz it has many features


If you want to use, you can use it, only see if the image you select is in the template size to don’t give errors

This should be in the community tutorials catagory?

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Oh, actually I am not too familiar with that but I think It’d work, you’d have to find out.

I literally was debating on whether to put it in tutorials or resources for like 10 minutes haha but thanks.

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I use photoshop and it works great! Especially when I want more customization within my clothing. I like to use both paint . net and photoshop as they are both amazing. I would recommend using both but getpaint.net is more easier when you are using line tools and what not. If you already have photoshop then I would recommend using both.

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I use GNU. Image. manipulation. program or GIMP for my shirts, is free.


image You’re killing me with this post, but hey, there’s good intent behind all of it so that’s something nice to see.

I would say a lot more about this but what I have to say should be considered as sort of constructive criticism but the problem is how I do it.

I’m basically going to construct points against the tutorial but it isn’t intentionally aimed at anyone or shouldn’t have any harm or conflict involved in what is said.

#1 is true, couldn’t be more true actually.

#2 will differ from person to person, generally speaking I want to say that it’s for monetary gain or some sort of clout, with the occasional doing it as a passion/hobby.

#3 this is pretty true as well, good choices.

#4 image this definitely had some good intentions behind it, but sort of misinforming peeps on the purpose of it. As far as I know, the Roblox clothing template is simply just a map for textures, and only a few parts of it are actually used by Roblox (this is stuff we already know) since you can’t see any of the artwork that is done on the outer area that isn’t an arm or a leg.

This is all that Roblox sees (roughly speaking), anything else is more or less just your little twist on it. I also really want to point out that there is nothing wrong with doing your own little twist with your templates, its fun to do and I could recommend it to some. I’m also unsure about your use of watermarks on the template, unless it’s on the clothing itself, it doesn’t have any purpose necessarily.

#5 is pretty true, not going to really push back on that.

Thanks for the feedback. Before posting I kind of thought about some of the things you mentioned.

#2, it will differ from person to person, but at the same time people who are interested will continue their clothing designing career and will be more content. I can’t lie and say there aren’t times where I just want money or robux out of it. If you are doing clothing design short-time just for a bit of robux, thats understandable, but as a career, you can spend your energy on something a little more enjoyable to you, there are many other options, of course, if you can and if you want.

#4 Obviously roblox only scans the actual clothing, and not the design of the template, but when working for someone or when showing off your work, its a safer way of making clothing because a template with your name and designed in your aesthetic, will be more clear that its yours. You can easily steal a random design from the original template but most people wouldn’t believe its yours without some type of credit, which a custom template gives. If you are uploading clothes to your own group, I guess it wouldn’t matter if your using a normal template. Also, about the watermarks, you are right, I didn’t clarify enough, it is supposed to be on top of your clothing, which i will fix in the post.


But you can also steal designs with custom templates and still upload them. And if your are being commissioned it only takes a couple white squares and some text to cover over the custom template. And make it look like your own.

And if you watermark your clothing when uploading it to the catalog, it does not look good… But if you upload without a watermark there is a chance it will get stolen and reupload. Even with the watermark it can still get stolen…

That’s true. That’s why I mentioned those body images to use when showcasing your work to anyone. Only expose clothes on a template if someone is uploading them for you. Watermarked clothing are not to be uploaded, but if you choose to show your outfit on a template, show it with a watermark, which can be anything, whether its your name, a picture, or scribbles.

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Good advice, I am still hoping Roblox makes it harder to rip clothing from the catalog and uply it as your advice.

Ty for the pointers. :smile_cat:

These things are kinda obvious, ngl.
But hey, there’s a big chance that anybody needs some simple steps for a good clothing store.

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Yeah the watermark thing might be useful, but how do you make it?

Well, that all depends on you, what software you use, what type of watermark you would like to create, and where you want to create your watermark. I’m sure there are tutorials, but you have to see what is right for you.

I’m talking about like the parts of the arms and torso

What do you mean by that? How does that apply differently from the rest of the body?

I already covered it. I was talking about the lines that separates the arms and the torso and thing.

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I don’t know if I understand exactly what you’re trying to say, but I think I know what you mean. Anything outside the body template, or outside the lines does not have to be covered or have a watermark. Roblox only scans what is inside the lines of the body, so you should watermark anywhere inside the body. The watermark doesn’t have to cover every part, if you wanted, you can make a tiny one and put it in one spot only. I don’t know exactly what you mean, or if I even answered your question, so if I didn’t, let me know more specifically what you are trying to talk about.

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