I was under the understanding that group places have only a 30% Marketplace Fee (even if the group owner is NBC). When configuring the gamepass under my group game it says the Marketplace Fee is 90%, was this changed at some point?
I believe this could be a little bug or something from not having premium, I think I have had this problem before, I am not too sure though.
Hmm, on suspicion of a bug I would migrate this post to website bugs, although I’m not sure I have the right permissions (If anybody else has the ability to do this).
I believe you can, as a new member like me you would have to get it approved by a post-approval though.
Strange, it doesn’t seem to be letting me.
I have created a new post, which I will link here for sake of completeness.
You could direct message @Post_Approval asking them if they could move the post to #platform-feedback:website-bugs, but be sure to link the topic in the message.
Actually, if the user who set the price of the gamepass is a non-premium member, the marketplace fee is 90%, however if they do, then it’s 30%
Ah, that would explain it then.
I wonder if this applies to non group places as well?
This system seems so bizarre.
Are you sure that this is the case? I’ve heard from others that it’s 30% always, have you tested it?
The behavior has been like that every time I’ve lost Premium.
To reply @123marble: yes, the same behavior applies as well.
I’m currently a non-premium user
Yeah but like I’ve heard from other posts that this is a visual bug, have you tested it in practice (see how much money you get from it)?
Did you create/update that developer product while you didn’t have premium?
ah shoot I forgot to update it, never mind that then. thanks for the note.
By the way I think that the solution thing should be removed from this as it hasn’t been tested in practice and it still is debated… I’ve also heard from another developer that their friend owned a group and had only 30% tax even when he was NBC.
I had this same issue at one point. I didn’t realize that my premium had expired, and I was wondering why the marketplace fee was 90%. It’s simply because the person who set the price or made the gamepass doesn’t have premium (which changes it from 30% to 90%), and it should automatically adjust upon purchasing premium.
You actually got only 10% of the money? Or did it show it only in that You Earn: window? That could be a visual bug.
I asked around in the devforum member Discord as to why I was only receiving 10%, and I was told that that’s the tax for non-premium members. I bought premium immediately so it didn’t last enough for me to see whether I actually earned that much.
Though, I would strongly assume that this is intentional on Roblox’s part and not some visual bug.
Silly question at this point but it’s your group right (and you’re selling stuff on a game under that group) ? Also how did you find out that you were receiving only 10% (btw you said you were receiving 90% but that’s the tax)? Did you find out through the pending sales thing?
I was just simply looking over how much I’d earn off the gamepass, and it seemed incredibly off when I looked at how much I was earning in comparison to the price of the gamepass. That’s what prompted me to look further into it. I own the group and the game is uploaded under my group’s name.