A-Chassis Vehicle Doesn't Move


I have a standard bus (urban public transport of medium capacity) that uses the A-Chassis Tune system, however it cannot move, as if it would not start (even if AutoStart is on). I attach a video showing my situation - the UI does not intervene.

Could someone please help me? I don’t have much knowledge about this. I remain attentive.

Is it anchored, make sure it’s set as false

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Are you referring to a specific part? If I disable the vehicle anchor, the behavior is strange, or if I do it only with the wheels, they “come loose”.


Hi! This might help you and fix your problem:

First, double check all settings related to the A-Chassis Tune system. Make sure you have it configured correctly, including engine settings and any other parameters that may affect vehicle movement. Make sure all values ​​are set as intended.

Review your bus scripts, particularly any code responsible for vehicle movement. Check for errors or logical problems that may prevent it from working as expected. Debugging your script can help identify and resolve any issues.

In your video, you mention that the UI doesn’t seem to be intervening. Check that there are no issues with your user interface elements, such as buttons or controls, that could prevent the bus from responding to your inputs.

Remember to test your bus in different scenarios to identify if the problem is consistent or if it occurs under specific conditions. By systematically examining the configuration, script, and UI elements, you can work to resolve the issue and ensure your bus is working as intended.

I hope this helps!

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Try reading this if you haven’t already How to setup a Car on A-Chassis!

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So from I’ve know, I made a mistake when i said set anchor as false, as in the topic I linked above, it says keep everything anchored

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Hello! (I am replying in English due to the forum policies, I would recommend you to leave it in English)

The engine and scripts responsible for the seem to be correct, while the interface intentionally does not have functional buttons.