A compelling game loop: How to prevent tedious gameplay

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Regarding the topic of game design, there are various compelling cycles, loops, and basic structures used. Multiple game cycles repeat a certain step or objective with a few noticeably changed details, different atmospheres, and improved tools and items; these are terminologically referred to as linear games. The link provided displays multiple dialogues regarding what a linear game is:

A linear game follows a strict path for the player with little, if any, deviation.

With that being established, it can get seemingly easy for a linear game to become repetitive. The specific archetype that’ll be examined is what I like to call Lackluster Progression.

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If executed properly, gameplay should not be lackluster - instead engaging and fun. However, a game categorized in this archetype could hastily decay if a few developmental processions aren’t done properly.


Various tips that every Lackluster Progression archetype game should include. These are generally fundamental and should be implemented immediately.


Each and every stage should be uniquely equipped with a new and original atmosphere. This is an indication that the game is not excessively repetitive or unentertaining. Simple details like these depict diversity and originality.


Background details, lighting, music, visual effects, and sound effects categorize as ambience. Implementing ambience often creates a soothing environment, and a pleasant, unique experience. This is general psychology.

Sound and music make up more than half of communicating a story, greater even than what you’re seeing.

— Steven Spielberg

In addition to this, sound is a great sensory stimulus to the player’s consciousness and even to the subconsciousness, affecting the mental processes without the player even noticing.1


Obstacles, items, implements, and everything of the sort should be unique. These includes weapons, enemies, avatar items, and more.

Game Cycle

Ensuring difficulty is regulated appropriately. Terminology is as follows.


Proportionality is the primary way difficulty is regulated. It’s a very straightforward method that suggests every level and stage should include obstacles proportional to what the player can handle. To demonstrate, a player would typically struggle fighting a major boss with default weapons.

Essentially, as a player advances in a game, they receive tools that help them progress through the rest of the game.

Difficulty Escalation (definition included)

Difficulty should never be measured by health or strength. In game design, difficulty is calculated by obstacle strength compared to player strength. To demonstrate, a player with decent equipment can easily defeat a boss, whereas a player with even better items cannot defeat an even better boss. This relates to Proportionality.

[II] Difficulty Escalation

For unique, unusual gameplay and general deviation, games gradually escalate difficulty to enhance content. Additionally, it has positive retention impact.

Versatility Escalation

Similarly to Difficulty Escalation, versatility frequently extends throughout stages and sections of a game. The most common way this is exemplified in game development is by extension of obstacles, weapons, items, cosmetics, and anything related.


Obstacles, weapons, implements, and equipment should include an original, unique theme. Every potential level should comply with a specific theme. All ornaments found in the level should originate from the core theme. Additionally, ornaments should include an original mesh specific for it. This distinguishes each level from one another, make each level iconic, and appreciates attention to detail.

Author’s comments…

The most direct game example I could find was Swordburst 2. You may recognize these points and think of a grinding game - yes, the casual terminology is “a grinding game.” If you have any questions or concern, I’ll gladly respond to them or redirect you to someone who can.

Hopefully we can all produce a successful game.