I’ve been working on a completely working computer with @gurvb for a week or something and here is the progress we made at this point. The computer currently supports a kind of MS-DOS OS, a custom math library with trigonometric and analytic functions, some CMD commands including basic arithmetics, assembly language, a small graphics library for drawing geometric shapes and 3D letters rendering.
Letters are rendered with FontModule which is basically a 5x8 matrix with every letter encoded into a hexadecimal value. Every bit which equals to 1 in the letter is a drawn pixel.
I was inspired by computers in Minecraft and TempleOS. Why Roblox Studio? It’s an unprecedented idea that has never been implemented in this format on this platform. I could do something like this at the lowest level, in C and Assembly, but no one would be interested because there are so many text-based operating systems like this. Luau, embedded into Roblox Studio, is the only language which I know completely, it’s convenient, simple and fast. So why not?