A computer in Roblox Studio

Hello everyone!

I’ve been working on a completely working computer with @gurvb for a week or something and here is the progress we made at this point. The computer currently supports a kind of MS-DOS OS, a custom math library with trigonometric and analytic functions, some CMD commands including basic arithmetics, assembly language, a small graphics library for drawing geometric shapes and 3D letters rendering.

Letters are rendered with FontModule which is basically a 5x8 matrix with every letter encoded into a hexadecimal value. Every bit which equals to 1 in the letter is a drawn pixel.

We want to create a small graphic OS which is going to look like that by the end of february.


That seems incredible!
Do you have any video example of some assembly code running?
Or examples of shapes?
I would like to see them if possible

(this part was removed)

yeah ofchttps://youtu.be/lilTVTta9fw
this is actually a quite old interpreter version but it works perfectly fine

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Is it just me, or the “Input/>” is EXTREMELY similar to mine too? It looks great btw.


Was going to say that u deleted that sentence lol
cc @rtvr56565

Also this is very nice project but i have 2 questions
What inspired u to make this and why make it in roblox studio

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I was inspired by computers in Minecraft and TempleOS. Why Roblox Studio? It’s an unprecedented idea that has never been implemented in this format on this platform. I could do something like this at the lowest level, in C and Assembly, but no one would be interested because there are so many text-based operating systems like this. Luau, embedded into Roblox Studio, is the only language which I know completely, it’s convenient, simple and fast. So why not?


now the shapes are really simple


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This computer in Roblox Studio is great and unique! Nice job on creating it! How long did it take to make this computer? This is very cool!