A free plugin to help developers save time

Hello everyone,

I’m new to posting on this dev forum. I’d just like to share my main plugin called “Drone’s Public Plugins”. This plugin is not finished and honestly, it may never be finished since I am constantly working on new tools. The user manual was just made yesterday (the 11th of May) and I aim to decorate it with text formatting, images, and perhaps a little link for video guides.

This is my biggest plugin as it has a growing number of tools to use. At the time of posting this, there are currently 11 tools to use. Each one has the potential to save time, allowing developers to spend more time on the important aspects of their projects.

If you’d like to check it out here you go :slight_smile:

Although not complicated, my tools have helped me and my friends save time. I hope it helps you as much as it helps me!

Please note: I don’t want users to feel clueless while using this plugin. If you’d like to know all the details about a specific tool you can open up the “User Manual” I’ve provided in the plugin. If you’d like to ask me some questions about the plugin, provide suggestions, or are running into problems please mention me in a post or reply to this one. I’ll do my best to respond as fast as possible.

Thanks to ZacBytes for providing a google material icons plugin. I don’t know this person, however, I use their plugin for every single icon you see in these tools.

Some extra info before you download it:


The part perspective tool is a widget containing a viewport that renders all the objects within the workspace with the camera’s CFrame being set to the part’s CFrame. This tool can be very expensive so I highly recommend going over some of the settings you will see after clicking the button at the top right. There are more details to be explained in the “User Manual”.


The model switcher allows you to switch 2 parts/models or replace 1 with the other (this switches their CFrames, which includes rotation). This is very useful for those who like to use placeholders when designing their scenes. Details on the behaviour system for this tool can be found in the “User Manual”. Please pay close attention to the text underneath the title, (“Replace…”).


The CFrame printer can be useful for creating new rigs, welding prop parts together, and scripting props to be welded on anything (with the CFrameValue output). Please pay close attention to the text underneath the title, (“Create a…”). Details on how to use this tool are described in the “User Manual”.

Not 100% necessary as I’m sure there are HTML formatting tools out on the web. I don’t remember why I made this but it’s here. To use, simply, type the raw text into the dark grey text box.


The clean-up tool is useful for those times you may be using an asset from the toolbox and you’d like to clear all scripts within. You will have to select the object you want to “clean” in the workspace. Then write in the “Class Name” text box the class name of the instances you want to clear, “Script” for example. To find out the class name of an object simply select it in studio and navigate over to the properties window.
Scroll down the list of properties until you find “ClassName” this is the text you want to put in the tool.
Not much more info on the “User Manual” for this.

The instance collector is useful for mass editing anything really. The class name system is the same as the “Clean Up” tool. Once you have the object you want to search selected and the desired class name written click “Collect” to collect all instances into a temporary folder within “ServerStorage”. Once you are done editing click “Return” to return all instances to their original parents. Not much more info is shown in the “User Manual”.

The model viewer is useful for adjusting spawn points of NPCs or any other type of model. As long as the primary part is set you will be able to use this to see that model’s position and rotation as a hologram. Just a side note, you can’t click on the hologram. Details on how to use are in the “User Manual”.

Wow that text is very small.
The terrain manager is a quick tool to copy and paste terrain. This is useful for map loading systems that require terrain regions and for transferring terrain between projects. Details on how to use are in the “User Manual”.

3D notes are useful for communicating your ideas to your development group. You can create floating text, straight lines, and visualize paths. Don’t worry about your notes showing up in-game! I’ve got you covered :slight_smile:. Once you create a note a server script called “NotesRemover” will be created under the “ServerScriptService”. This script destroys all the notes and itself once the server starts. Details on how to use are in the “User Manual”.


Not actually a useful tool… unless you consider cursing R15 animations useful.
Anyway if you want to mess around with it, it converts any R15 animation into an R6 animation. You or Roblox themselves need to own the animation before you can convert it. Details on how to use are in the “User Manual”.


If you ever need to send data between servers but don’t want to go through your own way of implementing it then this may be the tool for you. This tool allows you to create “protocols” (I called them protocols) that hold code to be executed once another server sends data with that tag. It’s explained better in the “User Manual”.

UI Presets

This tool allows you to create presets for existing UI elements. Excluding modifiers. Once you create a group you can left-click on it to show all presets within it, and you can right-click it to delete the group. Click edit to change the properties/add instances to that specific preset. Yes, you can add instances like UICorners, UIListLayouts, etc. You can also save all groups into a Lua file on your computer.

Literally just counts all descendants and children of all objects selected. Useful for when you can’t be bothered to count 1000+ objects yourself. Also has a filter, by class name.

Property Library

A simple panel with documentation and an “installation” button for my property library. Allows you to return all properties from any instance.

Mass Property Manager

This tool allows you to edit a single property for all objects of a specific class name under the selected object.

The tool manager is where you’ll be able to toggle each tool and learn more about them with video tutorials. At the moment there are only 2 tutorials. If a tool has a tutorial the “Learn More” button will be more visible.

For those who installed this plugin before this update, I’d like to mention that this aims to replace the old “User Manual”.

Every tool is subject to change.

If you’d like to support this plugin you can go here: Donation thing - Roblox Thank you :smiley:


well welcome to the devforum! hope you have a nice stay here
i want to see images and videos demonstrating how your plugin works so people can see it’s functions without touching roblox studio


can you some images of it before we download it?


Of course, let me take some. Just wondering, what kind of images would you like me to add? Would you like to see the UI for all the tools or just what it looks like on the plugins tab on studio?

yes Ui and tools in action and more


Thank you! Of course, I can upload some images. Just wondering what kind of images should I upload for a plugin like this? Images of all the UI, some use case examples, or the buttons on the plugin tab?

Alrighty, I’ll get some images set up.

well for me it’s hard to explain
maybe you can show images of the features of your plugin, how the ui looks, etc

For right now I’ve provided images to the UI and described roughly what it does. However, more info can be found in the “User Manual”.

I am sorry but the Ui is just bad. But the plugin looks good

Thank you for the suggestion and I’ll keep in mind to share images to provide clearer info on the plugin. I’ve provided images on the UI and given a rough description of each tool, however, you can read the details for each tool in the “User Manual”.

I mostly code in my spare time and don’t lean into UI design, so I apologize for the looks but I’ll aim to improve them down the line.

i’ve looked into your gui and a flaw i see is that you’re using multiple text fonts to design your plugin which may tamper your plugin detail
otherwise, some of your features seem very interesting to me

yea its ok but just quickly cuz i am interested in using it

Thank you for pointing that out. I’ll keep a more consistent font throughout all my tools. I’m glad some features interest you. I like helping people and I love coding so I decided to combine those 2 to create a plugin to help others, including myself. If you have any feature suggestions please don’t hesitate to let me know.

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For now, I’ve made most tools share the same font and have changed some colors around. Since I’ve been working with this UI design for a few years I’m not sure how I could improve it. Suggestions would be much appreciated, thank you.

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Looks amazing! Very useful. Keep up the great work!


Thank you! Currently finishing up the 3D notes tool.

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the r15 to r6 thing is prob my favorite. i know its kinda meant to be cursed, but if there is a way to improve it and make it less cursed that would actually be cool.

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I had fun converting some roblox animations into R6. At the moment it takes the position and rotation of all the lower limbs of an R15 rig relative to the upper torso. Not very complicated but it produces some nice results on a lot of the animations I’ve tested it on. I’ll see if I can figure out something to improve it.

Oh, also I want to make it compute a lot faster since right now you have to wait somewhere around half a second for each frame and it spawns a temporary R15 rig to apply the keyframes from the animation, which is not very efficient since the same results can be accomplished with pure math.

Sorry I’m starting to ramble lol, I’ll get to work.

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