A free plugin to help developers save time

Hi sorry about that, is it enabled in the plugin manager?

Also I believe if you deny it script injection it doesn’t start since it requires script injection for the “DPPRemover” script. You can toggle this off in the tool manager but unfortunately you have to give it permission to add scripts to your game first since it sets up the tools after that script is added.

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I will try to retry and fix it right now.

thank you for responding


How on earth do you use the animation converter

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I don’t know why this happens, but the console is flooding with errors and it makes my Roblox Studio lag because of it. I used the Part perspective and when I selected a part it started the error flooding

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Does any part in the scene have audio? It says you don’t have permission to use a sound. It’s flooding because it copies the sound again when refreshed, making the message print again.

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Get the ID of the animation you wish to convert (only the numbers). Press enter and when complete you can right click the result and press save to roblox. The game’s publisher or roblox need to own the animation to have permission to convert.

If you are trying to convert a roblox emote then you might want to know that the ID for the emote is not the animation’s ID.

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Well I don’t think so but I’m 100% sure it’s caused by this plugin as it started when I used part perspective as I said, and it stopped instantly when I closed out of the part perspective.

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Hi, just to let you know. The tool now removes sounds within models or parts (that are copied for rendering).

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Im using the R15 to R6 Animation Converter and I noticed that if i convert an animation where I offsetted the head’s position with the move tool, and convert it to R6, the head’s rotation keyframe will be converted, but not the position

Been at it for about 2 hours and I now realize I need to completely re-think how to convert the animation since the way I was doing it is just… wrong. The head’s position on the Z axis of each pose is canceled out because before the head would be tucked into the torso, which was a quick fix.

After some testing with really strange poses, I noticed that the legs were also not right in some cases.
I have ideas on what to do but it may take a few hours to get it working. Sorry about this, I’ll let you know when I’m done.

Sorry it took so long, but I’ve managed to fix the head issue and made the tool more accurate overall.
Image from Gyazo

The weird thing with the legs still happens, and I have no clue why at the moment (it only happens to a specific pose I made) but I believe that in 99% of cases, it will be perfectly fine.

Aight thanks for trying to fix the issue

Everything works really well but I noticed that the plugin runs when the game is being run. It’s not a big deal but it just causes a few random errors here n there. You could probably slap a IsRunning check and it should be fine.

I am aware that it runs in studio play tests but it shouldn’t in-game. I can fix it as you mentioned but I’ve got other stuff to do this morning first so I’ll let you know when I’m done.

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[post deleted by author]

character limit!!1!

I’d use this, there’s a lot of different plugins that already does this kind of stuff, but have all of them inside only one plugin is very useful. :ok_hand:

I already have some of this functionality in different plugins so i prob wont get it

Using this late 2024, it appears the animation is converted in the ui but however the animation doesn’t really work when uploaded as of now.