A Free Zombie Model

Here is a free zombie

Screenshot (44)



Animating it was weird so I didn’t want it


Pretty cool model! What style were you trying to go with when making this?
To me it looks like a mix of low poly and Minecraft/cube cavern graphics

Hello, thank you for sharing this free zombie model, by curiosity, for what game did you design it? If that’s not a secret projet of course :x

This zombie was going to be added in a blocky styled game. More of a mini boss but I decided to change it to be more suitable. Voxel is what I was going for I guess.

This a free model it’s not my concern what anyone does with this. And no one said you had to change your whole game style for this zombie, if you don’t want it or have no use in your game then leave it. As well give constructive criticism as what you said is not helpful at all.

How do you think this zombie looks?
At least people like it. I didn’t say I didn’t like it I said it was hard for me to animate it.

it looks very cool

i don’t think i’m going to be making any zombie games anytime soon though

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I think it is a cool model. It is so cool it will be hard to incorporate because you would need to make other zombie models like that.

This is a perfect model! The hip attachments to the torso are a little weird, although overall pretty smooth to animate.