A Horror game I'm creating

Howdy! I wanted to share my progress on a Horror game I’m creating. I want your feedback!


Has a working Dynamic Sound system. Pretty close recreation to @HiddenKaiser SANA Dynamic Sound System.

And has a working CCTV System I am working on to make it even more realistic.

This is not finished one bit. I am still modeling everything else. There are currently no horror elements I just want your opinion on what I could change on the CCTV System or my Sound System.


I like the sounds you’ve chosen for the game. The hello neighbor door and the FNaF camera switch sound really work well together, especially in a horror game. It feels a little too early to give much criticism, but the particles coming from the air vent could use a lot of work. Seems promising so far, keep it up

i think you can use R6 since its the best optimal settings for a focused game, r15 has a lot of glitchy physics and the animations make it look hard to traverse to some tricky kinds of obstacles.

the smoke ventilation can use some fade transparency effect and be a little more translucent, good potential game though

I’m looking forward to see it implemented in a real game!

If you have any questions about my original system feel free to contact me here or on discord (HiddenKaiser#0001)

Oh my! Hey HiddenKaiser. Every since I’ve seen your system I was wowed and wanted to recreate it so I had to basically learn Raytracing over again.

It’s not exact. But I’m still skeptical about around corners even though your right by it. Might fix it myself somehow.

Can’t fix it myself… How did you allow the sound to travel around corners if you don’t mind me asking?

Alright I gotta bestow my ultimate knowledge to you.

The way I did it is I basically rigged the map with a bunch of parts, then found the closest ‘doors’ that the player can see with raytracing and magnitude.

From there I just played the sounds at that doorway if it found it, otherwise just play a really muffled noise.

Hope that helps.