[SANA] Realistic Dynamic Sound to Solid Object Interaction

Hello Developers!

I have made a sound system based off of the game “Rainbow Six Seige”.
If you dont know how the rainbow six seige sound system works, sound travels through doorways and gaps instead of straight through walls.

I am calling this “Project Sana”. Read here for more information.

I visualized how the sound “travels” with these red lines and the black lines indicate when the position is updated.

:arrow_down: You can see what I currently have below :arrow_down:

[PROJECT SANA] Realistic Sound Simulation - Roblox


I have recieved a good few compliments on it so I thought i’d post it here.

For my scripter friends, the script uses sub 0.2% usage at any given time.

Feel free to leave feedback below, I would love to hear it!
Feedback is an easy way to support the project by letting me hear what the players want as well as encouraging me to keep doing this.


I tested this masterpiece earlier and it was phenomenal. Just like Rainbow Six. I love it.

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That looks so cool o-o do you think it could ever be used in games?

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Actually implementing it into an SCP site

Very very cool!

Can I hazard a guess as to how it works?

Does it use pathfinding to find a path from sound source → each player, and then checks straightline raycsts from the path → player to place the sound source? (scaling emitter volume as needed)

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This actually just uses raycasting and magnitude, pathfinding would be pretty inefficient in my use case as I need small gaps.

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I’m probably gonna work a bit more on it today to try and make it include less manual placement, although this may change. Also going to probably change the way the sounds are played so it’s even easier to play sounds. (This along with proofreading my code for optimization and plugging any possible memory leaks.

I’m also considering maybe selling this in the future (~= 1250 R$) after seeing how well it performs in game so make sure to take a look at my twitter @HiddenKaiserDEV for progress and status updates.

I have made the game public if you would like to try this out yourself since youtube doesn’t like 3D audio that much.


Very well, but for longer sounds this would not work correctly as it does not continue to update the effects of the sound. Other than that I think it is very nice!