A lot of "deprecated" warnings after version 577

After updating Studio to Version 0.577.0.5770506 (64bit), it started to show a lot of “deprecated” warnings inside my scripts, but the most important, inside the Studio kernel:


The deprecation notices look correct to me.

  • Enum.ContextActionPriority.Default is deprecated in favor of Medium.
  • GothamSemibold is deprecated in favor of GothamMedium.

The last one is not a deprecation notice, but a type error. I am assuming you have not forked the script. Yeah, I can reproduce this on the latest Studio. That one I will take a look into.


Run an empty BasePlate and open every script inside StarterPlayer.

My apologies, I did not notice that these were ALL in core scripts. Will fix this, thank you.

The reason you are seeing these now is because we recently made a change to properly mark deprecated enum members as deprecated in Luau.


About the warnings and errors on different lines in my project scripts, this is because two years ago I was forced to change the game.StarterPlayer.StarterPlayerScripts.PlayerModule.CameraModule.Invisicam script.

This was because Studio does not allow customizing the transparency for DevCameraOcclusionMode = Invisicam as given in Allow to customize the transparency for DevCameraOcclusionMode = Invisicam and detailed in How to reduce the transparency when DevCameraOcclusionMode = Invisicam?

Unfortunately, after 2 years, Roblox hasn’t done anything about it, and thus I’m forced to keep a copy of all the dozens of core scripts to allow just this minimal change to the Inviscam script to be able to be interpreted by Studio:

Now I’ll be forced to do the same, that is, copy all the current scripts into StarterPlayerScripts to update them and then do my customizations again.

This would be easily avoidable if Roblox had created this customization facility for Inviscam.

The fix for this is now merged and will likely arrive next Wednesday.

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I managed to make the above corrections in the scripts. But there are still 2 lines left with error, in the ClickToMoveController script:

I don’t want to wait 1 week to resolve this.
What should I change in these lines to fix them?

The fix that was merged is putting assert(CurrentIgnoreList, "") after CurrentIgnoreList = {}.

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Solved on the latest update.

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