A new HumanoidCollisionType (aka "InnerBox and Rthro Issues")

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to have proper InnerBoxes for playermodels.

I’ve seen players use body parts for hitbox advantage in games. Some developers have to resort to forcing body parts.

  • Electric State DarkRP (a game which was in the Bloxies)
    In this game, people use some Rthro to have advantage in PvP. They are harder to hit.
    Creator himself wonders if he should force 1.0 package on everyone.
  • Fierzaa (Creator of KAT, a featured game) in her FPS test game forces 1.0. She usually worked with R6 - which had fixed hitboxes. It doesn’t mess up the gun animations as well.
  • When I played Da Hood, my friend which had a large character blocked my way in the sewers (on accident)! We laughed at it, but please think of potential abuses.

InnerBoxes are good - they make your hitbox larger when you use really slim packages!
They can’t deal with packages that have odd proportions though…
I have explained some hitbox behaviors on packages.

Rthro Bundles, aka worse sides of InnerBoxes


  • Magma Fiend bundle is smaller than usual, but it still has a desent InnerBox. The only flaw is a tiny gap between the UpperArm and LowerArm parts. It’s not much of an issue, but it could be prevented.
  • Oinan Thickhoof bundle on the other hand is way bigger.
    When InnerBox option is selected, there is a massive gap in the middle of the torso. Unaware young players will be surprised once they aim for the said place. Also, the head is unaffected, you can see the offset is way too odd.
  • T-Rex Skeleton bundle… Oh God, no.
Classic R15, aka good sides of InnerBoxes


  • Sun Slayer and Divine Guardian have massive Torso hitboxes, thanks to the wings that are a part of the torso.
    InnerBoxes allow them to go through same gaps/doors as other R15 packages!

My proposed change is to make another type of HumanoidCollisionType which creates hitboxes, using attachments in the character model as reference.
Think of InnerBox, which tries to fill gaps between limbs if there’s ones.
The part minimum size should be the same as InnerBox.
Head hitbox will use neck as reference for position.

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my game / my development experience - I will have the best of two worlds.