A non-compressing print function

Printing just about any sequence of data has become a pain ever since the (x2) was added.

The problem
I’m trying to print a table so it can be easily copied and pasted into a module.
Now it happens that some rows are identical, then the stupid x2, x3 gets added. As a result, instead of simply copying it, I’ll have to do manual editing to make sure my table is correct.


local t = {


local t = {
{0,0,0}, (x2)

I suggest a new print function that never compress your prints. Making sure that what you send to print actually gets printed.

Very fundamental feature both for beginners aswell as experts!


Also, this:

local s = "hi\nhi"

should print this:


and not this (but it currently does):

hi (x2)

Seperate lines within a string should not get compressed even if they repeat themselves, only repeating strings from seperate prints should have this behavior.


But it doesnt. That will do an x2 aswell.

I was about to suggest that as a workaround.

Yeah, I can’t think of a reason anyone would want compression within a single print() call. Notably print compression appears to work only at a per line level; this doesn’t compress, and probably should:

for i = 1, 3 do print("Hello\nWorld") end

Compression should be changed to be per-message.

@Flostrus was suggesting an additional change, not stating current behaviour.


Oh lol, saw that now :stuck_out_tongue:

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This is a serious annoyance for me, please please add!

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Preferably not a function, but rather a studio setting for the output. :ok_hand:


I agree with @Locard that this should be a setting in studio, rather than a function. Also, my apologies for the necrobump. This is just a really good post I agree we need.

(x2) doesn’t stop severe crippling lag or an error message from cluttering up the output, so why should there be a point in keeping it enabled?


System.out.println(“This should be a setting in Studio and not a function”);

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