A question about plugins

There is a error in one of my plugins and I am about to update it.

How do I inform the users that their version of the plugin is outdated and they have to update the version?

Here is some info if you are curious (link). It is offsale right now

Roblox studio automatically tells them what plugins have an update available.

Yes I know that but is it possible to add a warning in the plugin like this

as far as I know, you might have to have a websocket it checks on each time it is used to tell whether it has an update. Although, I have no experience with these so I cannot help with making them.

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You could have a local variable which contains the current version, and then store the current plugin version somewhere else. This could either be the description of an asset or simply on a website.

After you have this, simply check if the local variable does not match the retrieved version, if that is the case then you know the user is on an outdated version and can alert them of this.

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