Plugin: Edge Smoother

Hi there,

About this plugin:

This plugin allows you to replace any parts that is a block to a meshpart with smooth edges.

How to use

When you open the plugin this will pop up:
The numbers represent how smooth you want the edges to be.

After you have selected a desired number select part / parts and click the smooth button.

To undo select parts you want to undo and press “Un Smooth” or just Ctrl-Z.


**Note: Any part that is replaced will first be :Removed(). Ifyou press the clear button it will be destroyed (you can’t revert it).

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Please reply with suggestions / questions.


Can’t you just use ChangeHistoryService for supporting undo’s / redo’s?
No reason to not use it and have this limitation tbh.

Yes I did use ChangeHistoryService, the problem is that the output keeps on saying

The Parent property of Part is locked, current parent: NULL, new parent Workspace

After the part is destroyed() and I try to undo

So I decided to remove the part then wait a while then destroy it

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Hello Dolphin_Worm,

This is pretty useful! Thanks for providing a free plugin to the community, we appreciate it!
Maybe change the text from “How smooth is the edge?” to “Select part smoothness” and delete the space at the “Un smooth” button.

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@UltraKing1238 I made some updates, the UI is fixed!


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I have seen many gui corner rounders, but never came across a part smoother. This would seem to be useful when building. Mostly likely use :+1:t2:


I made one of these a while ago too. I ran into the same issue with history. Instead, I move the original part into a folder in CoreGui. It still doesn’t work with ChangeHistoryService, but I do plan on updating it sometime. I will let you know if I have any success when I get round to it.

Have you considered adding a slider or numerical input to allow custom corner radii?

Mine is quite slow when using the Union feature. How does yours perform?


Mine performs quite fast but it only supports parts.

The code that I used to destroy the part

	local Conn
	Conn = Clear.Activated:Connect(function()
		if not Block:IsDescendantOf(workspace) then

Block is the oringinal part that is being replaced.

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Yes, this would help a lot.
By the way, your a good plugin developer, i use most of your plugins and they help a lot.

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