A Ray-Traced Global Illumination plugin I'm working on

So I’m trying to implement some realistic lighting to my game but the one BIG thing I’m missing is Global Illumination. So I made a plugin for that!

It’s Ray-Traced (Limited to 2 bounces at the moment) which gives it a realistic effect!

It’s in a really early state (I just started on it today) but works WONDERS!

Heres some workflow examples with the plugin


It also supports colored lights! From @anon53193547

What do you guys think of this plugin and should I release this! :smiley:


Wow this is great! It makes everything look a lot better compared to normal roblox graphics, But what lag does it cause? Anyway, if you are thinking about releasing the plugin, I think YOU SHOULD. It’s magnificent, and I’d really like to see what people might do with this.

If you are going to release it, when will you be releasing it?

Q: When/will you release it
Q: Does it cause alot of lag?


A: I’m planning on releasing it maybe in 1 to 2 weeks
A: Completely depends but the more light emitters you use the more lagyer it would be. Plus there isnt really any room for optimization either so it really is up to the user.


Release it! as soon as you can! It will be the future of ROBLOX lighting. Great plugin, you are so talented. Great work! Question, how will this work?

I watched the videos that were given and I thought it was 3D Modeling, not lighting. Haha, anyways it is still amazing! Can’t wait to use it in my simulators!


What if I said it might be out today or tommorow?

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I mean if you copy this guys Idea then yeah.

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Im working with this person.


Lucky you getting work done with others.

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Yooo that’s so cool what method are you using? Shaders which you have to download, or all in Roblox?

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Its all with Roblox but with some clever trickery :wink:

I can’t wait to see this plugin in action, perhaps my realism will be better.


I would have this on the client once they are playing and have it only on the server when the game is not running.


top ten questions that didn’t need answering

yes :+1: the plugin is amazing how did you do it @mostbootifulgirlever


Umm so do you guys ray cast to the pointlight then check if it’s blocked then create a area light that emit in the angle opposite of the raycasted angle that use the color of the object to do the global illumination??I want to know what technique you use.


I think this is a great and useful feature only thing missing is the upscaling engine for the supported custom raytracing plugin which I think you should release. This would help benefit in my game and help boost real-time graphics of many other games too. Btw I think there’s a bit of noise in the renders and photos, otherwise hope to see you again releasing that plugin!


Can’t wait for the plugin! Could you ping me when it releases?


It’s all baked not Realtime because if it were Realtime it would probably crash your computer or make the game unplayable.

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We used raycasting and a simple bouncing system to simulate realistic global illumination. We place a node with a point light which changes to the color of the wall and tints to the color of the original light to give it an incredibly realistic feel. It currently uses 2 bounces, as said in the post.


We might ping you in the post or in the reply section. Keep an eye out, We mighttt release today. We’re going to fix a few small things and then its ready. We also already have most of the post setup.

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Its here