A (somewhat) automatic class image setter

While the original post being this one, I decided to re-create it and make a (somewhat) better version myself. You might need to install Java!

How to install:

  1. Download this zip file, it’s 100% safe. Scan it, if you’d like.
    [RSClassLoader.zip (35.5 KB)]
  2. Unzip it, then place the folder where you would like.
How to place on start-up folder (not tested)
  1. Press Windows Key + R
  2. Type shell:startup
  3. Press enter and drag the folder here
  1. Inside the resources folder, there should be a file named “path.txt” and an image named “ClassImages.png”; Change the path.txt to match the Roblox Versions folder. Like this:

    (You can also change the ClassImages.png file to match another sprite sheet you want)
  2. Run the program.

Used code
package robloxstudioclassimageloader;

import java.io.File;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class RobloxStudioClassImageLoader {
    private static Path pathFile = Paths.get("resources/ClassImages.png");
    private static Scanner scanner;
    private static String path;
    private static Path textureFile;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
            scanner = new Scanner(new File("resources/path.txt"));
        }catch(Exception e){
        path = scanner.nextLine();
        textureFile = Paths.get(path);
        File RobloxPath = new File(path);
            for (final File versionEntry : RobloxPath.listFiles()) { //versions folder
                if (versionEntry.isDirectory()) {
                   for (final File contentEntry : versionEntry.listFiles()) { //version folder
                        if (contentEntry.isDirectory()) {
                                for (final File contentEntry2 : contentEntry.listFiles()) { //content folder
                                    if (contentEntry2.getName().equals("textures")) {
                                        for (final File textureEntry : contentEntry2.listFiles()) { //texture file
                                            if(textureEntry.getName().equals("ClassImages.PNG") || textureEntry.getName().equals("ClassImages.png")) {
                                                    Files.copy(pathFile, textureEntry.toPath(), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);
                                                }catch(Exception e){

Thanks to @SimoIlCompagno and @Elttob for their original post and epic class icons. It took a while for me to make it, but I enjoy sharing it with you! (Please don’t take it as yours-made) Report any issues here.

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Can you convert it to .exe? so that computers without java can run ir

It is already converted to .exe format. I’ve seen another computer need to install Java after importing there a executable made by me and I put this as a warning.

So is there a .jar file? If not I highly recommend moving this topic to #help-and-feedback:creations-feedback

No. Just .exe, .txt and .png.

I don’t understand why, isn’t this considered a resource?

Because you cant read exe’s codes, so you either opensource the jar file or move it to there because community resources is only for free and opensource (or readable source) resources

Alright I will add another hidden detail about the code. Thanks for the tip!

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Really happy that Roblox decided to re-do their icon manager. I’m going to update the exe soon