Hello everyone, i have encountered the “Specified Member cannot join the Destination Place” error.
I have already seen a lot of simular topis like this or that one, but they were all unsolved ( And if they were solved, the anwers didnt help me).
local PlayerList = {}
for i, Part in pairs(workspace:GetPartsInPart(workspace.TeleportPart)) do
local FoundPlayer = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Part.Parent)
if FoundPlayer and not table.find(PlayerList,FoundPlayer) then
local Success, Result = pcall(function()
return TeleportService:TeleportAsync(PlaceID, PlayerList)
if Success then
print("Teleported "..#PlayerList.." players to "..Result)
Both my places (Starter and the Second one) are public and i have copied game ID through Asset Manager.
When i play solo it teleports me, but if i play with any other person (for example a tester) it just breaks and gives me this error.
I have even tried switching from TeleportAsync to TeleportPartyAsync but it just doesnt work.
When you say you play solo, do you mean the option in Studio called Play Solo or do you mean playing from the website, but solo?
Assuming the latter because the first shouldn’t work anyway (can’t teleport in Studio), this sounds like it might be a bug. But just to be sure, check a few things first:
Is the destination place ID in the same experience? If not, check Audience > Access Settings on it and make sure it’s not set to Community Members only.
Does this work with TeleportService:Teleport()? This is the old method and you shouldn’t use it for new work, but I have a game that still uses it and it works fine, so it’s worth a try.
Is the destination place age-restricted or anything?
Are you sure you published the destination place? I noticed one of the threads you linked didn’t have a reply from the OP after someone suggested that. Maybe they forgot to click the solution button.