A way to massively delete group wall posts?

Today while I was checking my fan group I saw alot of scam group wall posts.

My fan group was public, and so the scam bots joined, posted scam, left.

They managed to create over 51 pages of scam posts in under 1 day.

At this point, my group wall got burried under 51 pages of scam messages.

The only way to delete them is to get a group of people and keep deleting the posts.


Maybe we could implement a feature where we can massively delete group wall posts or slow down the scams?

Delete an entire page with 1 click?

Delete posts from a certain amount of time?

Make it so that theres a setting that new members cant post until they are x time in the group?

Captcha or some anti-bot features?

Feel free to leave your suggestion, ill add it to the list.


I would recommend disabling the first rank’s ability to post on the wall.

There is also a bot someone released which both exiles and deletes posts from bots. I can find the topic for you if you want.


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I only have 2 ranks in my group, for me and my fans.

I would suggest adding a pending rank? That way you can only rank real members to be fans, as it should be that way anyways since bots aren’t really people


Closing as duplicate