A Working Factory in 1867

A Working Factory in 1867

My friend (cyberpiper) and I are currently building a reconstruction of how the city of Luxembourg once looked, in the year 1867. It is very much still a work in progress. However, we have just completed one major addition to this Roblox game: a reconstruction of a Victorian factory, with working parts. (The yellow hue of these images is caused by the gas lighting, within the factory.)

If you are unable to visit this game within Roblox, I have tried to give a flavour of the interior with this short (low resolution) video clip.

There is still a great deal to do but you are welcome to visit, if you wish. (You can find the factory by crossing the bridge, over the river, after you enter the game.)

The 1867 Game


This build is awesome. Fantastic work both of you!


Thank you coefficients for your feedback. That was very kind of you.

If you do get the chance, please come and visit 1867 some time. I hope that you may be impressed by the ambiance of the Victorian city scene, that is currently a work in progress. There’s a lot more to do (and you will see that, if you visit) but even still, a great deal of the city has already been completed.

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I just looked at the city and I’m very impressed with the entire place :slight_smile: the sounds in the factory were super well done as well


Thank you, again. I’ll pass your words onto cyberpiper too (as he does not have access to this forum.)

Looks great! i love the ambience of the map and the factory animations (: Question though, what are these?

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The brown item on the ground is dog pure (otherwise known as poo.) It was common in Victorian times for lower classes to collect the pure and then sell it to the tanneries, in the subsequent ‘purification’ of leather. This is (very possibly) how the word poo originates. In 1851, Henry Mayhew wrote in his book, London Labour and London Poor, that a pail of pure would sell for about a shilling or a shilling and tuppence. Cyberpiper and myself decided that we would include a simple pure collecting mini-game, within the 1867 game, so that players could earn money and buy additions to their avatar. You can collect the pure by wearing the supplied wooden bucket in the given inventory and then click upon the screen. Although the game is set in Luxembourg, we have used a simple conversion factor to deem an appropriate amount to pay players in Centimes, for picking up the pure around the city.

If you are interested in finding out more, the following video might interest (or disgust) you.

The Victorian Pure Collector

I recommend that you fast forward to 1 minute 53 seconds in the above clip, to avoid the preamble.


Oh thats neat, i learned something today! Thanks for the info!

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I got the black lung just looking at this.

For real though, awesome work! I love the music as well as the historical detail you’ve added. Absolutely beautiful showcase!


Thank you Intended_Pun. I’ll pass your kind words onto my colleague, cyberpiper. Please do come back in the future and see how the project has developed, in a few months time.

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Alright so first things first, it does look quite good.
But I do have some questions.
First, if this is supposed to be pretty accurate to a real 1867, Factory what is this?

  • If that is butter, then… I would not put it in a factory, because during the 19th century just about any townspeople would be churning their own butter themselves, and it would not be in a factory.

During the timeline of 1867, (or 1860’s in general) the American Civil War, would still be going on. The factories would be making weapons for the soldiers rather than much anything else.


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Ah yes, alright. I understand what the factory is making now.
And well, I guess it would depend on what kind of factories helped in the Civil War. Thank you.

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Thank you, iiZescah and thank you too for visiting the game. Don’t forget that the city is Luxembourg. Luxembourg is in Europe and not in America. Life went on as ‘normal’ for the citizens of Luxembourg, in 1867. The American Civil War had finished on the 9th April 1865. In fact, the inhabitants of Luxembourg were more concerned about the impending war in Europe between the French and the Prussians (which led to the Second Treaty of London in 1867) rather than another war that had finished two years earlier, on the other side of the world.


Seeing you guys reconstruction on, how the city of Luxembourg once looked back in the years of 1867. I gotta say the historical details, factory animation, and sounds you include in your game they are very fantastic and once i joined the. Game and stayed in the factory for over 20, minutes i really liked how you guys made all. Different kinds of realistic sounds of the machines. Moving as in the real life ones you will mostly see! These kind of details in other factory’s even the one you guys created, and for a second it really sounded like i was, actually in a real life factory in the real world however i do like. How you included a (boiler in a working factory) as i think it makes your game really stand, out and the different details you included to make it, look like a real life 'Luxembourg" i think you guys really made this look. Very historical with the other details you included into your showcase however! I would like to see more future improvements that’s, going to be added to your 1867 Luxembourg City very soon. You guys have a fantastic showcase here.

Overall aside all of that, you both have done a great job on your “Luxembourg City”. I really think you’ve did very will reconstruction on how the city was in 1867! And it looks like a great place that i’ll visit again and see how you guys have, done to your project in a few months. I know that people will visit this amazing showcase and enjoy to see realistic machines, sounds, details. Overall you guys have done a nice job making. The real life moving factory machine. This is really incredible with the details that’s! Implemented into your project and i. can’t wait to see more details your going to include in! Soon and the moving train will be a great addition added to. The project in a few months, overall impressive job on your reconstruction of Luxembourg city. It’s very well done!!

However are you guys going to include. A Luxembourgish locomotive train as i seen you, have one in the top mountains i believe that will! Add a great addition to the city once it’s, done as well are you ever. Planning on adding a moving train in your, Luxembourg city showcase in the future?


Thank you very much indeed, jordanh23, for your detailed reply. I do appreciate your words and I thank you for taking the time to reply. I have passed your feedback into my colleague, cyberpiper, too. I was pleased that you had the opportunity to spend some time exploring the game, I hope that you may have discovered some of the many Easter eggs that I hid around the game. Like you, my favourite part of the build is the factory, simply because I love the movement and noise of all those machines. Our next task will be to find a way of scripting these so that, when a player visits the game, the interior of the building does not appear until they enter the building. We are sure that that will assist in helping to reduce the overall lag of the game.

You will have noticed that there is still a great deal of work to be done. This period street map of Luxembourg will show you how much of the city streetscape we have completed, out of our overall target of completing the whole area. We are currently working on the cluster of buildings that surround the factory and then we will start on the other built up areas. It’s a slow process but I hope, if you come back in a few months, you will notice the improvement in the build.

You found the train up on the hillside. In real life, there was a wooden train station here and that will be another feature that we will have to work on. The viaduct has been completed and added to the game but an updated period steam locomotive has not yet been completed. It is our intention that players will arrive in the game at the train station, after a brief train journey from across the viaduct and then walk down into the city, to experience a role-play based game. If ever we get this game completed (and I am in no illusion at what a large task it will be) we are planning to extend the storyline to state that players will then end the game by returning to the station, to leave the game and travel to a second game: 1867 London (travelling by train across Europe and then boat across the Channel.) The reason being that the storyline for this 1867 game is based about the 1867 Luxembourg crisis, which ended with the 1867 Second Treaty of London. Sometimes, with the amount of work involved, I wonder whether we will ever manage to start the second phase of the game, considering how much work is required to simply get to the point that we are now: a tiny fraction of phase one.

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This build is amazing. You both did a great job at making this place feel and look like 1867. I especially like the small details you have added in the factory. I can’t wait to see where you take this place next.

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Thank you, waterrunner, for your feedback. Please do come back and visit again in a few months time. I hope that, by then, there should be additional changes and developments afoot.

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I believe i did discover, some of the Easter eggs in different places around the game! I think it’s the badges or is it actually eggs lol. However yes the wooden train station up in the hills, will be a great feature added to your game i know. A lot of players are going to do a train journey from across the viaduct! And then explore down into the whole city, to experience the overall role-play based game. Once you guys get this game completed and i did notice you guys. Added some Grey Brick Paver on the another side next, to the factory in the back are there going to be, more houses around that area next to the! Factory or is it going to be other buildings as seen in the picture you added above i do. Believe there going to be other buildings, and houses added up in the hill parts or is that going to stay normal! For a walkway for players to travel to other buildings.


Don’t worry, jordanh23, I haven’t actually placed any replica chocolate eggs around the game. I was, of course, referring to badges, treats, rewards and other extras. Well done on finding the various badges hidden around specific points of the game. I was pleased to find that, after speaking with some visitors, they enjoyed collecting the whole set of badges. I wonder how many you found. As well as this, there are a few hidden inventory items that are activated upon discovery. Did you find any of those? Other ‘Easter Eggs’ have not yet been added, but are planned to be inserted at a later date. For example, I have written several free eBooks, that are illustrated with locations from 1867 Luxembourg. It is my plan to link these with the game somehow. That’s one personal objective that I will explore myself, when I acquire the necessary skills of linking an illustrated storybook with a specific object or location in game. Another Easter Egg that cyberpiper and myself have discussed is the addition of minigames, placed within the main game. For example, 1867 Luxembourg was undermined by a complex series of many miles of tunnels. Cyberpiper and myself would love to introduce a minigame that activated, once an avatar discovered the entrance to a tunnel within the game. I’ve already experimented with this idea in other games.

You are right that I have added a grey brick paver on the opposite side of the city. This is just a temporary placeholder for the positioning of buildings and to allow visitors to step inside the factory, from the street. Cyberpiper was building a mesh road system that will eventually be placed in game, whilst we were both completing the interior of the factory. When the factory was complete, I was so keen to see the factory placed ingame, I placed a temporary part so that avatars could step inside the building - because the actual terrain level was so low. When cyberpiper completes the mesh road system, he will place it in game and then either him or I will delete the temporary paver. If you want to know what the game will look like when this is completed, I hope that this vintage photograph of the area will give you a taste of how the city will look when it is all completed. It’s one of the images that we are working from, as a source for our building work. (The large tower in the upper right corner may help you orientate your perspective, as it is already in situ in the game.)


Perhaps, when you return in a month’s time, that part of the game will be completed. I do hope it will. :grinning:

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Oh alright i see what you mean, i didn’t know you where referring to badges, treats, rewards and other extra things your going to include into your game. However the inventory items i didn’t find any of those, i only found both (EichtorTowerBadge) inside the tower i do feel like treats, rewards, are going to be a great collection for other users to get! In game and extra little things your going. To add once the whole game is completed, very soon overall the large tower that’s in that. Vintage photograph it really looks, like the one that’s inside you both’s game it seems, you guys are doing a really great job going off! A image as a source for your building work. However i can’t wait to see the game in a months time, i know it will look very impressive with other. Buildings around the factory and the locomotive, train taking a journey across the viaduct. Overall can’t wait to see this finished very soon in a few, months and i’ll visit again once it’s completed!!

However i do have a question are treats, rewards, and chocolate eggs and other extra. Things where those around different places of the Luxembourg, city in 1867 in real life or are those just a update/feature you guys want to place. In so other user’s can collect badges and treats! And inventory items that are activated upon discovery? I’m just wondering to see if that was a real thing they did in the Luxembourg, city i know the pure collector. Was a real thing in the back in 1867 but i’m just asking are treats, rewards and inventory items! Where they a thing people had to collect.