AAD | Scripter, UI designer for hire [OPEN]

About Me

Hi there! I am offering my services as a scripter & UI designer. I am an intermediate scripter who specializes in minigames (Eg: Sweeper, King of the hill, Obby) and game systems. I have been scripting for 8 months on Roblox now, but I have been coding on other languages such as Python and Java for over 4 years. My experience in code in general is why I think that I am capable of handling LUA code, as I can understand coding logic, syntax and more. Even though I have scripted for a fairly little time, I always am looking to improve, and anything you give me that I do not understand, I will learn!


Here are some screenshots of my work

This script is part of the backbone script for my Minigame place.

This is a script I made that displays the rank of the player, with the rank changing depending on the amount of wins the player has, and being displayed by a name tag on the player’s head.

Examples of my recent work
  • A working minigame system with options to add more minigames
  • A King of the hill system I scripted as a fun project
  • A GUI that rebirths the player using a remote event and a pop up GUI that shows up to show the player that the rebirth was successful.
  • A simple obby checkpoint system (With datastores)
  • A coin boost system, meaning that if the player bought the 2x coins gamepass, their coin multiplier would actually work and make it double the coins.
  • A sweeper that increases speed over time
  • A rank system that loops every 5 seconds to check your win count, and if you have a high enough win count, it automatically ranks you up. Also, the rank is displayed through the leaderstats as well an an overhead tag saying the rank of the player.
  • A Server chat system that checks if a specific event happened, and then accordingly send a message on the chat.
  • A tool that makes the player faster when equipped but gives a short speed drop when unequipped (just to provide a challenge as if a player need to unequip the speed tool to access their sword, as an example, they would become slower for a bit, giving the opponent a chance to catch up).
  • An inventory system that works by items getting unlocked after reaching a certain amount of XP. Made with a built in template system that provides easy way to make new tools by just adding them into a folder and letting the code do the rest.
  • A flat system in which players can buy flat’s and then sell them. Everything saves.

UI Showcase (Design and Animation)


Shop I made for experience

Multiple gamepass icons that I designed (some pictures inside the icons such as the crown were taken from the internet, but the entire thing was designed by me in getpaint.net)

2x Coins


Rush Studios (My group) logo

My Game (Minigame Rush) UI



Ball Animation

Hide/Show GUI's (My personal favorite)

Toggle button


I will not be accepting any long-term tasks, only short assets as I do not have as much time currently. If you have given me a task, expect it to be delivered (depending on the difficulty) within 7 days. If the difficulty is very hard, it might be more than that time limit, if it is very easy, it would be less.


Prices are negotiable, I only accept robux currently, and also expect any payment to cover the marketplace tax. For a long script (200+ lines), payment is 40-100 robux per line of code.


You can contact me here on the Developer Forum by sending me a private message or through my discord, AAD#0001

Games I worked on

Minigame Rush (My own game)
Kingdom Brawlers
Murder Mystery 3 (Got over 1k visits, I was the bug fixer)


  • I have the right to decline any task
  • There are no refunds, but if you are not happy with your work, I will change it (unless the change is too big)
  • If I have accepted a task, but have gone past the deadline, payment will be cut
  • If there are too many tasks, I will either decline your task, or put you on the waiting list, which will be posted in the replies section daily (unless of any emergency)
  • If you have a pending task, but I have closed down for commissions, the task will still be completed, closed down just means I won’t be accepting any new commissions.
  • Please do not ask me to do something you think I might not be capable of doing. Also, if you think the task is a long-term one, please do not ask me to do it, as I am currently only accepting short-term tasks

Thanks for reading! I hope to work with you in the future! :slight_smile:
(Note: Please take a look at my showcase and about section before hiring me, as I might not be able to do something and will end up wasting both yours and my time)


Hey! I have a game and I’m looking for a scripter currently. I can give you all the details on desckord.

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Hi! Yes, sure, I will add you on discord.

He finished his work quickly and efficiently, while the prices being cheap as well. Would recommend!!

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New “Games I worked on” section that displays games that I have either made, or worked on in the past.

Huge portfolio change. Now, not only am I offering my services as scripter, but a UI designer as well. A new UI design/animation section has been posted, make sure to check it out!