[CLOSED] Artist & Builder to partner with

Hello! I am looking for 1 artist and 1 Builder to partner with to create games together.

This is mostly for experience and fun, so you are not required to be extremely proficient in your skill, and there is no requirement for how active you need to be.

My Skills & Experience
You can find out all about my skills in the following portfolio:
AAD | Scripter, UI designer for hire [OPEN] - Collaboration / Portfolios - DevForum | Roblox

Each member of the team will be responsible for multiple parts of the game. The builder will be required to build the entire game, plus create all models needed. The artist will create the game’s thumbnail and icon, and most of the UI (I’ll be helping with some of the UI if needed). The scripter, me, will be scripting the whole game, plus help out with ideas & concepts for the game.

We’ll be splitting all profits equally amongst ourselves, with 30% given to each member, and the remaining 10% put into the games for ads, badges, etc. I have a group in place already, and we’ll be creating all our games there, with payment through recurring funds.

Note: If you are able to do both the artist and builder’s job, then you’ll be given 60% of profits, but you have to excel at both skills.

It is very important that you have discord for this (I’m really sorry) because it is much easier to communicate with each other through this method. If you’d like to contact me, add me on discord, my tag is: AAD#0001

Thanks for using your time to read this! I hope to work with you soon.

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