Ability to change group name

A price of 100K would be better, as a group is really valuable to someone.
Also imagine, if someone randomly gets’s into the owner’s account and renames a group.
And boom it get’s content deleted.


Price is not a suitable barrier because the largest avenue for abuse is large groups (which will likely have more Robux). Groups like NBC Shirt Creators would be able to change their name to spite smaller groups because they can easily afford it. It also doesn’t solve the problem of joining Epic Soldiers and having it turn into My Little Pony a year later because the group has a lot of money.


That’s why I put the example of name change abuse, in case someone breaches the owner.

It is not possible to definitively determine name change abuse. The British Assembly could change their group name to The British Conglomerate to spite a rival group with a similar name. There would be no way to tell if they did this intentionally or not. If we start trying to guess which name changes are appropriate, we have the same problem Twitter does where we’d see users mass reporting groups that changed their name by finding as many groups with similar names as possible.

What about “applying” for a name change and having to state a reason for the change? I mean, I get that verifying the authenticity of the name change wouldn’t be perfect but it’d e nice to still have some form of way to change group names. Anyways, if you provide a logical reason for why the name should be changed, I see no reason why it shouldn’t be. Making it a one-time thing will probably stop most “spite against group” because these names would be made permanent.


It would be nice since we can change our usernames.


I’d love to have this.


While i understand that allowing all groups to change their names is a bad idea, it would be nice to have some sort of solution for this.

I’m just trying to change the name of my game studio group by one letter from ‘UltraGames’ to ‘Ultraw Games’. This is because in the last year, I created a business called Ultraw Games and also made the website ultrawgames.com. As I grow the business and develop more games, this is what I want my development studio to be known as.


I just thought of this recently that could be added to prevent “false group name changing” (changing the group to something completely different than what it was originally, especially for large groups with lots of people) is having like a voting system from the group members. For example, if the owner would like to make a name change to the group, maybe about 2/3 of the members would have to vote passing it through before the vote becomes official.

I can already see some problems with this (Not everyone active, groups with bots, etc.), but this could be like a possible implementation that might help in some way or another in the future as Roblox’s social side expands and grows in groups.

Other than that, I can see why changing the group name is a bad idea in the first place, but there is possibly many solutions out there that can help, they are just needed to be found and implemented the correct way that is fair for the members of the group, and reasonable.


Group admin actions should not be left up to democracy. Majority vote doesn’t work when 2/3 of your group’s members are malicious 11 year olds and inactives.

Changing group name with malicious intent doesn’t seem like a real problem to me. If a group you’re in changes its name to something that has nothing to do with the original purpose, you leave. You’re not trapped in that group forever. Changing group name to spite another group is maybe the only concern. However, there are already imitation groups out there. The difference is that old members would carry over.


Hello developers, users, staff, moderators!
Since long time I spectated discussions about the feature “group name changing”.
When I readed forum posts I cam back to this feature. So many want it and there are so many arguments against it. I was thinking: I am sure there is a “middle way”.
So I was thinking long and I found a concept.

I found a way around this popular argument that invalidate many pro discussions:
If someone joined a caffe group, but then the group name changes to a name that is for a military group. The joined person is sad/disappointed.

There is a way to change a group name without affecting any member inside!
The answer is simple: My idea is that you are able to change the group name when you are alone in group

Pro 1: If you are alone in your group you can’t affect any member, because there is no member (eccept you) in group.

Pro 2: There are players that don’t pay attention when they set the group name. They forget to write a letter or write a letter big or small.
An example: Instead of “Pizza Fan Group” they wrote “Piza Fan group”. After creating they are not anymore able to change the group name. But after creating the group they are alone in the group and that would not affect someone. This means, they are able to correct their mistake.

Pro 3: I thinked also about how the system would work with this concept. Changing the group name would nearly make no difference to the game. Because all groups have a fix ID. In-game to get the group/grouprank you need the group ID not the group name. On the browser you can write the roblox link only with ID, the group name after the ID is not needed.

Con 1: A group owner could kick all players to be alone in group and then be able to change the group name.
(My opinion: How rare would this be. I mean who wants to kick for example 100 players only to change a little mistake in group name and then start again with less than 10 members?)

Con 2: The feature (for more detailed read Idea1) needs a group recording system. There is yet one(It records when a player got kicked…), but I don’t know if that could be usable for the feature that is listed at Idea 1.

Idea 1: The feature could cost robux or could be free when you are alone. There could be like this, that the group records the player count. More players that you recorded, more robux it would cost to change the name (when you are alone in group.) This would not totally prevent the “Con1”. But it is a step.
There could be so, that if the group recorded a max of players then it is not anymore possible to change the group name. Even when you are alone after you kicked all or it could be that if the group recorded that group members kicked a amount of players then the “group name changing”-feature will not anymore work.
Short to say: There are many ways to prevent Con 1.

Idea 2: There could be a max. of players that are in group till the changing name feature work. For example max. 1 player (only owner), max. 2 players , max 5. players (if you have friends).

Short to say: All two Cons are able to prevent so far I know. This would be finally a win-win situation between group Owner, group member.

Now I spoke enough. Now your turn:
What do you think about this “one member group name changing” system?
Do you have any Pro’s, Con’s or ideas for this group-name-system?


As a developer I have had countless occasions where I have owned groups or studios that I had grown for a very very long time then wanting to change the name without making an entirely new group and having to ask member’s to join that group. The name is quite self explanatory it would really be useful to be able to change your group name every couple weeks or so or possibly charging user’s a small fee to do so this would fix the problem of having to make unnecessary groups and if a player wanted to change something entirely they would be able to easily.

The best place I thought we could put this is right above the Emblem section in Information tab of the group so it pop’s up easily and you just click on the settings enter a new name Roblox would show you a warning before you change the name whether if it’s tagged and are you sure if you want to change it.

Overall this is a very small yet key feature for Roblox’s future and it would be useful to all people who own group’s and studios I don’t know why this wasn’t implanted sooner but I hope to see that ability very soon on the Roblox platform.


What I believe is a good way of going about this is by first requiring a group owner to place a request for a group name change. This will then be sent to Roblox moderators for manual review to ensure that there is no abuse. If the moderator approves, the option to change the group name will be available after the group owner pays a fee of R$100, which is standard for group creation. If the name is edited after that request, it will then repeat the moderation process. There could be a cool down of a couple of days or more. If the request is denied, the next time the group owner sees the configure group page, a reason will be left by the moderator explaining why the request was rejected. I feel this is an outstandingly effective and non-abusive way of changing group names, with no rip-offs, and no abuse of the system.


Like @buildthomas said,

Just saying, that a tiny developer like me would call that not cheap (yep lol) but a big developer like the creators of the games on the front page would call that cheap.


It is currently a hassle to change the group name or even delete it. From personal experience, I created a group for a specific game, however, we’ve decided to change our whole game. Because of this, I wanted to change the group name accordingly to fit our circumstances. Unfortunately, Roblox doesn’t have the option to change the group name. I contacted Roblox Support asking for the change, however, they responded saying they can’t do anything about it. That’s a problem. If you were to use a group for the feature of group games and cannot change the name when needed, it limits the developer. Roblox needs to create this option so that it allows players to freely change their group name whenever needed.


I hate to necro-bump, but I just found out that Outact was able to change their group name from “Outact” to “Century Gamers”. I think this feature is definitely possible, it’s just not released to the public.


I think the reason for that is because it’s possible to email Roblox to have your group name changed if it’s too similar to a real-life company (or if said company asks you to?). I checked and “Outlast” is apparently a real game development studio based in the US and China.


At long last, its been added to the roadmap!


7 years later, looks like this is solved