Ability to claim communities/groups owned by terminated accounts

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to re-claim older groups taken by bots & terminated accounts.

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my development experience because I have a few groups which I previously abandoned, and I would like to claim back as currently nobody owns them, they’ve been taken by bots which are now terminated, so I would like to claim my group back.

With new changes coming to communities/groups which were announced at RDC this year, I would like to post one feature I would like to request for the future of communities/groups.
It would be nice to be able to re-claim groups/communities whose owner is currently terminated, if you had the ownership atleast once, or you have a high rank in the server.

One of my friends’s groups, Badgers of Robloxia with 60k+ members, is now stuck because his account was terminated. He wanted to give up the ownership of the group after he lost his account, but he is unable to do so. I also have this issue with a group/community, which I have previously abandoned because I had the maximum groups on my account, and I had to make space, so it was taken by some bots. I would like to be able to reclaim this as I have experiences I would like to get back.

I believe a lot of people would like such a feature, as long as the community/group is NOT deleted, and it didn’t break the rules of Roblox, admins, previous owners, and highest rank should have the option to claim them, as they also put work into it.

I would honestly, love this feature, even if it would be paid.

The advantage of this feature, is that big communities would be able to continue and get passed by to a different owner, in case the previous owner breaks the rules of Roblox. If the community itself has no relevance with the reason that the creator was banned for, it should be passed to somebody new which would be able to lead and continue this community.
However, if the community is found to be a part of the reason why the creator was banned, such as raiding, acting inappropriately, stealing & reuploading assets or breaking other rules, I believe that the owner should get terminated and the group should be locked.

I also believe that the option to claim a community/group should only happen after 1-6 months passed after the owner was terminated, depending if the owner was living in one of the countries to which EU laws apply or no.


Let’s say that there was someone that was an owner of a group and he got falsely banned for
inf seconds
Now lets say the highest rank excluding the owner of the group was able to claim the group after 1-6 months, before the owner of the group gets unbanned Maybe he could steal the group ? Dont u think
The true owner of the group is gonna have to ask roblox support and a lot of pain to get the group back or never

Its a good idea, but people would abuse it in groups


This would be useful because it would allow me to get back some old groups. I have owned many groups over the years that I gave to friends or alts that got banned.

For example this is a group my friend owned on his old account Godly Super Games - Roblox


I’m not really sure what “inf seconds mean” but the update is only supposed to let the communities to be claimed if the account is terminated and there was no successful appeal to get the account back within the time period that supports allows appeals for.

Being banned for a year for example, such as the very rare cases we seen this year, wouldn’t allow the older holders of the group, or the people with admin/co-owner permission to claim the group, and it would remain untouched because the holder account is not terminated


As a former Badger myself, who quit around the badgechain crisis, I agree that there needs to be a way to save some of these groups. Particularly groups with such a history as Badgers of Robloxia.


Sounds like an easy way to get free robux


I highly disagree. In the past I been falsely moderated twice and I couldn’t successfully appeal through Roblox support, and thus I had to go through lengthy process of contacting developers with Roblox staff contact to have moderation action overturned after a month and a half.

What about the games, and funds? Where does go? It’s really bad idea to just let people reclaim groups. If someone would like to continue growing the community they should create new group and ask members to join it.


I do agree with a time limit of closing to like a year.


If nobody is able to claim the community/group that is owned by a terminated user, then all the funds and experiences go nowehere. They would just be wasted and nobody could do anything about them. Starting a new community will be a loss because all the community members will have to rejoin, some which might not be able to see the announcements or even notice what happened.

I had 2 friends which have lost their communities/groups this way and roblox refused to transfer them even with their consent. something needs to be done about this and the communities should be passed to a co-owner. All the funds and games and everything the community earnt would be wasted.

I think if this will be introduced, Roblox is going to add more measures to make sure the group owner gives their group to somebody they trust, such as mentioning in a ban note that they can email support to transfer the groups they own if it’s been less than a year, or if it’s been more than a year, they could just let previous owners and highest rank claim the groups if that time passed.

It’s a waste to let the funds and games untouched after that, the funds won’t go anywhere.


Let me rephrase: Let’s say that there was someone that was an owner of a group and he got falsely banned for
Account Deleted
Now lets say the highest rank excluding the owner of the group was able to claim the group after 1-6 months, before the owner of the group gets unbanned Maybe he could steal the group ? Dont u think
The true owner of the group also had no successful appeal to get the account back

good idea, but people would abuse it in groups in this specific case:
(Owner of group gets falsely terminated and never got successful appeal)
(Co owner is evil and claims the group)

(edited version)

I highly think that Roblox takes it because robux can’t just have no owner, and you can’t destroy money because you can dev-ex robux

It should be paid, because it costs 100 robux to make a group.

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If the owner gets banned with no appeal, they most likely broken the rules of Roblox.
Roblox support usually unbans accounts that were falsely moderated, I had my main account terminated for no reason and got it back in about a day. Like I said above, Roblox could also give the group owner an option to transfer the group to an alternative account, or a person they trust in the time they’re waiting to get unbanned.

“This could be used by 3rd party actors to save funds they got by breaking the rules, such as stealing items or bypasses”: Roblox could just close the group if that’s the case so nobody gets the funds.
But if the group didn’t break the rules and the owner just got Copyright striked or moderated for stuff that are not related to the group, they should have the option to transfer the group to someone else.

Having an option to choose who the owner is in 1 month or 1 year should be enough to let you transfer your stuff

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True, i agree with u now, but low chance the owner didnt do anything

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If that’s the case I think Roblox support will fix their account quickly

Also I’m pretty sure that if this suggestion is being taken in consideration by the Roblox engineers and staff, they will find much better ways to make sure stuff like stealing groups doesn’t happen, they’re going to find much better counters and solutions for everything


Sounds like a great idea, but anything that allows a user to have access to devexable Robux in a group that is currently in Roblox’s pocket will not happen. They will use the reasoning that in giving the availability to claim the group, you then can know that the group owner was terminated, which breaches the terminated user’s privacy. Great concept though, hopefully I’m wrong and Roblox does something like this where if a user is terminated for a certain period of time with no appeal that the second in command can claim it.

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I think you’re giving Roblox too much credit because almost everyone on the platform knows that their appeal system is straight garbage. The “Roblox moderation needs to be addressed” topic should tell you everything you need to know with tons of evidence.


I think they could just make it undevexable if that’s something that people or Roblox worry about, similar to what they did to gamepasses

I know that Roblox support isn’t very perfect and has a lot of issues, but I think that they also deserve being credited when they do a good job. I had both good and bad experiences with support, and as the time goes, I noticed there’s been a few improvements here and there!

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Roblox’s API lets you see if a user is terminated. If someone is terminated they also become grayed out in a lot of user lists like friends lists and such. And you can check anyway by just going to their profile. If they are terminated it’ll redirect you to a 404 not found page.

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It does not matter if Roblox API lets you see it - Roblox is not allowed to flat out tell you “this user is terminated” or “this user is not terminated” if it is not your account. That’s why terminated users are worded as “Inactive” on your friends list and not “Terminated”, “Banned”, or “Deleted”. If you email Roblox asking if an account is terminated that is NOT linked to the email you are sending from, they will tell you to contact them from an email associated with the account due to privacy.