As a Roblox developer, it is currently impossible to disable Team Create without connect to it on Studio. This had lead to many issues of users being unable to connect to their game because of Team Create then being unable to disable it.
This is especially a problem for me because my College’s wifi doesn’t allow for connections to Team Create or really anything besides normal webpages. So the only way for me to work on my game while at College is to either disable it before I go, or ask a trusted friend to go on my Roblox account to disable it.
The solution to this problem is simple, Team Create for a game should be able to be enabled and disabled from the website. Not only will this fix my problem, but it will fix the problems were Team Create just stops working which I’ve seen happen a couple times.
This would be provided through Studio (e.g. start page game tile context menu) and not the website, as developer content on the website is on its last leg.