Ability to edit chat GUI position

I think it’d be vastly useful for the new chat to come with an option to set where it sits on the screen. Even something as simple as top left/top right/bottom left/bottom right would help my game a ton due to how I want the GUI to be laid out.

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Then make a custom Chat Gui.

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[quote] game.StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled(“Chat”,false)
Then make a custom Chat Gui. [/quote]

By the way, you don’t have to make your own. Pretty sure they have the core chat GUI up on github with the rest of the CoreUI stuff and you can just copy, paste, and move it to a different location from there.

It’s possible to make a custom chat, but kinda tedious to do so. And if somebody didn’t want bubble chat on…It would just be easiest all around if it was movable.

And speaking of chat, it’d be nice if the server could send messages to players in the chat window. It’d be nice for stuff like system notifications or warnings.

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yes pls ;-;

As much as I love the idea of making my own chat system completely from scratch, it would be great if Roblox gave me some options for the system they already took the time to make. If making all the UI more uniform is a current goal, they could try to make it easier for us to help them…

Or better yet make it draggable

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[quote] game.StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled(“Chat”,false)
Then make a custom Chat Gui. [/quote]

By the way, you don’t have to make your own. Pretty sure they have the core chat GUI up on github with the rest of the CoreUI stuff and you can just copy, paste, and move it to a different location from there.[/quote]
I tinkered with the core script before. It is a massive pain in the butt to make work because of all the higher security functions, events, and properties.
I think a better idea to this would be allowing some of these events and such, and some stuff in the GuiService to make it not super hard to convert. Ex: You can’t hook it up with the top bar properly.

here. i made the core chat gui draggable. i didn’t mess with the inputbar so that is still in the same spot, but you can drag the chat window, and everything will disappear after a few seconds like normal. go to lines 1612-1613 to change the background color and transparency of the chat window.

just copy the local script in playergui and follow the instructions. this is the coregui chat script directly from github. customize to your liking.

test - Roblox uncopylocked


Problem is with a custom chat box, Im not sure if the messages are moderated as easily anymore.

This is the only reason why I still have my Chat core gui enabled, but Im thinking of removing it now that its in the worst spot imaginable for my current layout

you can reposition ther chatwindow with udim 2 at line 1598. the only problem i’ve had is with repositioning the chatbar. if you can find how to reposition the chatbar then you’d be set.

test - Roblox uncopylocked