This feature is requested in hopes of making that almost-perfect accessory combo work.
A feature like this would allow users to customize the offset of the attachment found within their accessory to some bounds so that they might alter the way certain hats are placed.
I could personally use this feature. For effect, it’d fix things like this:
Potential reasons for users to want to buy accessories / Robux. They see a combo they like and want to use it themselves.
More combos for accessories.
Cons to something like this:
Implementation would be insane on the web-side. All of the hats would have to be gone through again to add some value to specify positional/rotational limits
Some combos might not work with others, even with a generous translation.
An alternative method might be to judge limits by mesh bounds of other accessories of the same type, which would make it both automatic and specific to each accessory.
Usage would probably appeal more to appearances that are absolutely crazy / used for trolling.
So let me know: Would you use this? Text replies encouraged.
I would definitely see myself and others using this.
I do not see myself using it, but I do see potential for usage.
I do not see myself using it, and I see little potential for usage.
Finally found it, though it’s oddly placed underneath the “recommended” list. Here’s a pic to show what I mean, you can see it in the lower right corner of the pic
Slightly annoying that it has to be done by ID but I can live with it and I can see how it’s easier to implement that way. Also, extremely happy that it’s infinite scroll (if that’s the right term) instead of pages which mades it a ton easier to quickly look through all my hats
Where is the “I would use this but think it would be too much work to be worked on right now”?
If this turns out to not be a big feature to implement, heck yes I support it! But if not, I think other features could be better. I’d love to see an official response though
This got a good level of support but kind of died off.
To what I know there’s no major changes planned, but the web team just got done with a huge update so I dunno if any time within the next couple of months would be very good.
This feature request is exactly what I was going to propose. Offsetting hats could make for a virtually infinitely large amount of possible combos at a small overhead cost to the current attachment system. With so much support already, it really would be a shame to let the topic die out. (and I’ve always wanted to be a panda with a sorcus fedora )
This would expand customization options by an insane amount because there are so many catalog items out there that are ruined by painful clipping issues, or would look awesome if they were moved slightly. Position, scale, and rotation tweaks would solve almost all of my issues.
I’m not sure what Roblox’s stance is on silly avatars that abuse quirks of certain accessories and packages to do completely unintended things, but personally I love them, and I don’t believe accessories should have heavy limits on how they can be adjusted. Simply clamping the amount of adjustment possible by some hard numbers (eg 0.5 studs of movement, 0.5 studs of scale, 20 degrees of rotation?) would significantly decrease the amount of work needed to implement this, since manually adding values to every single accessory would no longer be required.
Since now we have UGC and Mesh deformation coming too, would it be possible to roblox allow players in roblox to in avatar editor move the attachment of hats and accessory’s.
examples Below.
Some Players Hats Overlapping
Goal here is
Players be able to adjust the hats position with off cource an limited distance.
at least some hats woud be able to fix some overlapping or bad position.
let players move only 1 or 2 studs in any direction.
and rotate 360.
allowing Users to edit the hat attatchment position and orientation woud allow Users to better edit them self, make more cool hats combinations.