Ability to hide Badges from the game page as a developer

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to make badges that are secrets or remove badges

Maybe there could be a little checkbox on the badge’s edit page, which when ticked, will hide the badge from the game’s page, but still make it show up on a player’s profile.

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my development experience because I could hide a badge that I don’t want people to find out about yet, or hide a badge that can only be obtained by a secret.


This feature is so handy for different purposes. As you said, for secret badges. But also for event badges that are only active during specific holidays.

If Roblox wants to make sky the limit for developers, they definitely should implement this feature!


Just go into the badge configuration and check off ‘Item is Active’. This will hide the badge and make it no longer obtainable.


But what if you want it so the badge is still obtainable, but it doesn’t show up.


This isn’t a solution for this feature request. For different reasons, you might want to have obtainable badges in your game which aren’t visible on the game page.


dawg we need this robloxyyyyyyy

I think I understand what the developer is suggesting, they don’t want to make the badge inactive or deleted, they want it active, obtainable, but hidden from the badges section on the page of the experience - hence, the name “secret”. The reason is what they explained, didn’t you see?

This reminds me of how some Steam developers manage their Steam achievements. Steam has such a feature allowing achievements to be hidden. You can take what Steam is doing as inspiration.

I full on agree with the suggestion though, creating such a feature will add thrill to earning badges and make badge earning feel more satisfying, just imagine earning a badge not everyone knew even existed!

This works for the first badge earn but since badges appear on a player’s profile, the badge will then not only be public knowledge but possibly even confusing as players attempt to find the hidden badge in the slew of other badges on the page only to come out empty handed.

The way Steam circumvents this could be used / inspirational as well. Steam tells you that there are a n number of hidden achievements in the achievements list of a game. When you obtain the hidden achievements, they will reveal to the obtainer (graphic/art, title, desc.).

Well, now mimic that on Roblox. In the list of badges on the page of the experience, players can be informed of the number of hidden badges (or just the existence of hidden badges instead of their exact number) so that they know the experience uses hidden badges. And maybe, if possible, they reveal to its obtainers on the page of the experience.

As for the other half/argument of what you said,

I’ve thought about this suggestion again and an issue is “what if the secret badge’s existence as well as tutorials to obtain it spreads to the point where the badge is so popular and not really a secret anymore” but the OP wrote out the solution to that as well while making the feature suggestion at the same time:

The ability to make the badge hidden is an optional feature/setting, you could disable it in the case your secret is no longer a secret.

Another issue is if another user discovers a hidden badge on another user’s profile. What do they see? The hidden badge’s revealed form? Some form (image, title desc.) Roblox creates indicating that the badge is hidden? I think on Steam, if I’m correct, it’s the revealed form. But that’s for engineers to decide and while both aren’t great sights to see, I don’t really know anyone who visits Roblox profiles to check other users’ badges, it’s not popular of a thing to do. Weak argument from me, but what else can I say. I would prefer that the revealed form is not shown to preserve a fair and fun experience.

I hope I understood you, I actually misunderstood at first, but if I am still misunderstanding your arguments, can you rephrase them?

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