Ability to lower triangle count on CSG parts by "smooth" tool

If I want to create round shape, I need to play around with spheres, as they are the best for it. Problem is that they generate too much triangles on result, i.e. I could have 500 triangle shape, but done by spheres it would have 1000 triangles. Solution to this would be triangle smoothing, something similar to Smooth Terrain “smooth” tool. With it we could easily hover over the problematic area, and save some traingles.
I also hope it would fix ugly shading on spheres too :slight_smile:

*I know it can be done outside studio, in program like Blender, but I want my Union to stay Union. I don’t call this feature to be compatible with MeshParts, as it wouldn’t make sense.

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If they could do this they’d implement it without us doing anything about it. It’s something they want to do when unions are created but apparently the math is very difficult.

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I can imagine that…
Let’s hope they find some way for this soon :disappointed:

I talked to one of the admins at RDC about it. No plans to do it any time soon.
Work around: Export mesh → Blender → Optimize triangles there → Import mesh


Well, if that’s the case, they could at least make MeshParts compatible with CSG. It would be even more awesome if MeshParts couldn’t be so easily stolen by ID.

CSG can’t be made compatible with MeshParts so you can incorporate them into unions/etc. CSG works by performing operations on the unions/parts that make up unions, and FBX/other mesh formats don’t have children.

How about a sphere mesh with less triangles? I know I dont need cylinders and spheres having 100 triangles in the tiny units in my game. And I know I can create a curved shape with parts and work with that, but thats like a lot of work and data just to get a lower poly sphere.

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