Ability to repeat texture of Beam in its width (and adjust texture width)

As a builder, it’s currently very hard to get proper looking beams, where the texture needs to repeat in both the length and width, without stringing multiple beams together, which is hours of work depending on how much you want the beam to cover.

This is mostly because the width of the textures on beams is tied directly to the width of the beam itself, which of course means that unless you’re fine with overly stretched beam textures or laboring away stringing beams together as closely as possible, it simply won’t work for most uses, and being able to directly control the width would make working with beams much less of a chore.

Trying to seam multiple beams together is also a very tedious thing that could be easily alleviated with the texture width. Below is a picture of two beams being strung together with a very obvious seam, and 4 beams with an even more obvious 4 way seam, which is no good for something like water (which I am trying to make), along with a reference for a brick with the texture used to show that it loops normally with the texture instance.

Obviously, having seams like that (mulitplied even more depending on the size of what you want to use them for) isn’t very visually appealing, and looks very amatuer.

Therefore, I am suggesting that, much like normal texture instances, the width of the Beam’s texture is a controllable value, much like the length.


this feature would be quite useful as sometimes i end up having to do things like make multiple instances of the beams (has seam / tiling issues) or modify the texture (with big textures lowers resolution because of the image size cap) in order to widen them while keeping the texture itself a consistent size

in the case of an ocean, this becomes a bit of a problem considering how much space needs to be covered; in this case i can just use a texture that offsets itself using a script, but note that that would become impossible in the case of where beams need to curve