I have this text:
But if I turn on textscaling…
I need some way to textscale that keeps the size of the text the same between single and multi-line text. Example:
I have this text:
But if I turn on textscaling…
I need some way to textscale that keeps the size of the text the same between single and multi-line text. Example:
Set a UITextSizeConstraint to half the AbsoluteSize of the container when the UI is loaded?
Yeah but then I have to write custom code that does that for me.
We have a feature in the backlog to link the sizes of multiple text labels together so that they’ll all be the same size.
Man you guys have really be on top of things lately.
Another bump today, bumping better then making a duplicate post right?
Any update on this? Small things like this make UI development that little bit easier.
This currently isn’t planned for the near future because of a long list of higher priority features.
Bumping this thread. This feature is pretty much required for making a dialogue box that scales well across different resolutions. If I want to have a TextLabel that scales and also maintains the desired number of lines so that shorter strings of text don’t become massive, I cannot do it with just the TextScaled
property. If we were able to specify the number of lines a TextLabel/Button/Box should have regardless of size/wrapping, it would make proper text scaling a breeze.
Here is an example. This screenshot was taken at 720p resolution, with text scaling disabled:
However, here is the same dialogue interaction but in 1080p. As you can see, the text becomes way too tiny for the dialogue box:
However, I can’t just turn on text scaling. Doing so will cause the text to be scaled to the maximum size it can be while still fitting into the dialogue box because there is no information on how many lines the text should occupy:
We need a way to specify how many lines should always be occupying a TextLabel like this when automatic scaling is enabled. Otherwise we’ll end up with improperly sized text no matter what we do. If I had a way to specify “hey this TextLabel should have 4 lines of text regardless of how much text there actually is, please make the text fit into those constraints” then this wouldn’t be a problem.
Bumping this, again. This would be an extremely useful feature. This is pretty similar to the above post. Using TextScaled is a must have, otherwise the text will not scale properly across screens. When Using TextScaled, I would want the text to scale with the textlabels size, so the text is always the same size regardless of if there is 1 or 2 lines.
Current behaviour with TextScaled and 2 lines:
However, if the text is not multiline, it takes up the entire text label vertically:
This is how I would like the text to look like using TextScaled:
A solution could be having text scale to the size of the TextLabel, eg if the size was 0.2, the text would always scale and take up 20% of the vertical space.
Bump. Shocked that this isn’t a feature yet, it’s consistently the most annoying thing to deal with in Roblox Studio in its entirety. Its absence wildly complicates implementing something as simple as multi-line static content, let alone some of the more dynamic examples people have provided here.
Bump, this is a necessary feature.
Bump, this should really have a higher priority.
Bump, same reason as everyone else
A must to have. It is absolutely essential that we can quickly make our experience usable across multiple devices, and this is a pain
bump, this is a continued pain point as I try to make multiline text content that scales consistently across devices
bump. I agree, this should have already been a feature till now.
bump., this feature is needed.
Another bump, this is obviously a both needed and requested feature.
This post is 7 years old and we’ve still not received any updates regarding this issue.
You’re telling me this has been in the backlog for 7 years? Absurd.
characters limiiiiit