Ability to sell 12 gamepasses onsite and change the order gamepasses are sold onsite

Atm when you get past 10 gamepasses, they aren’t displayed on the website. The gamepass page looks to be set up to 6x2, it would make more sense to fill those two slots with gamepasses before the rest are made invisible. Also it would be nice if we could reorder the way gamepasses are sold. Right now the priority is upload date which is unfortunate. I get a lot more sales on the gamepage than I do from ingame gamepass purchases. Tons of people go through all my gamepasses and buy them on the page, and I’d much rather display the expensive ones over the cheap ones(with a couple exceptions). And there isn’t much reason to make these items developer products as they are permanent purchases.


Why limited to 12 and not math.huge?
why does the limit even exist.


I suppose roblox thought it would make their site look ugly, having a bunch of things you had to pay money for in a specific game.

We at least need to be able to change the order of gamepasses, I’m dropping a huge, expensive gamepass soon that people have been waiting for for a long time and it’ll be the last gamepass on the list only because it occurred to me to reserve a slot before the gamepass I put out today(which wouldn’t be on the page if it wasn’t for me taking another offsale). People just love going through the gamepasses and buying them all. I’ve even seen people spend 1.5k before playing the game for the first time. Every slot is vital.

I don’t think they want to encourage people to use game passes – a staff member commented on the fact that they wanted to sunset game passes in favour of developer products on the long term. I wouldn’t expect any updates for them at least.


So basically what buildthomas said, you should be using dev products from now on. On a side note though, are you really only able to sell 12 gamepasses at a time? According to the topic I linked it should be 15 now.

That’s dumb though. Why use developer products for one-time purchases? It’s just extra coding on my end that could potentially fail.


I’m not sure how many gamepasses I can sell, visible/invisible, but I know 10 is the limit that can be made visible under the game.

You can always upload the gamepasses to another game and then still sell them in the main game through prompts (not on the store).

If you rely on selling all of them entirely through the store on the place page then I think you need to rethink how you should be selling them. The store isn’t initially visible when you load the page, so the only people loading it will be people looking to spend money. Profitable businesses aren’t successful because they allow clients/customers to make purchases – they’re successful because they convince clients/customers to make purchases. An applicable example is that you’ll get a ton more sales off of an “Emergency Defense: bases deal 5x damage when under 20% health” gamepass than leaving it under store if you prompted players to purchase that when they’re losing and their base is nearing destruction.

I sell it ingame and on the website. I’m saying I’ve seen people pay for all my gamepasses before even playing. That’s an advantage I don’t want to limit. In the end, selling it on the website is just one more place people can see cool stuff. I don’t see why it should be limited, and especially not to 10 when 12 makes more sense. And we also need to be able to change the order of gamepasses so I can choose to put the gamepass that’s making me 8k daily on the page instead of the one making me 500.

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Personally, I own every gamepass and I bought them on your game’s gamepass page, not in-game


Just a hunch that if someone was wanting to buy something and looked at the dedicated place on the game’s page, they’d be just as willing to look at the dedicated place in-game if the store didn’t exist (assuming it was obvious the game had an in-game store)

For his particular game, I don’t really like the UI of the in-game store, and would rather buy them on the games store page because it’s faster.

Not only this, but if I buy them in-game I must rejoin for them to work, whereas if I buy them on the website I can buy them then press play and have them work first go.

When you manually go to the store on the website yourself (not being prompted to buy anything), you already have the intention of buying something. You would rather buy them on the site, but if the store on-site didn’t exist and you wanted to buy something, you’d settle for the in-game store even if it was a little uglier.

These are OP’s fault – not anything related to developer products, gamepasses, or in-game stores.

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I suppose it’s just become a personal preference to check the online store for gamepasses. I never buy gamepasses in-game.

The OP’s point still stands, it would be nice if you could rearrange them, and at least fill up both rows of 6 (12 total gamepasses displayed). I think it’s a bad idea for them to expect us to use DevProducts to do what gamepasses already do. Why should I have to code my own one-time purchase systems, when there is already a system that works fine?

And honestly, how hard would it be to allow us to rearrange them? Or at least change what they are sorted by (Creation Date, Price, Sales).

What’s so wrong with the online store apposed to the in-game stores developers make?

How “hard” would it be to allow us to arrange places with drag-n-drop, how long has that been requested, and how long has it not been implemented for?

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Seeing how you used to be able to rearrange places, that doesn’t make much sense to me. They removed it for a reason, but my question still stands, why can’t we rearrange them?

Also, I still don’t understand the reasoning behind removing gamepasses. Showing me the quote I’ve seen from ostrichSized many times does not give me any insight either.

There isn’t anything wrong with the current gamepass system, is there? We’d have to manually track sales, prevent them from buying it twice quickly (which wouldn’t be a huge issue but still), etc, when realistically the current system works just fine.

Either way, why not simply increase the gamepasses displayed to 12?.. I don’t think that’d harm their “sunsetting” of gamepasses.

That was the entire point of the example. Something similar to what you’re asking was made and reverted (possibly bug-related) and has never seen the light of day since despite being even more requested than gamepass rearranging. That’s a sign that either 1) a feature like that isn’t as simple to implement as you think it is or 2) the web team did and still does have other things on their plate they’re more concerned with (e.g. catching the rest of the site up with the new redesign)

It wasn’t intended to explain to you why they want to sunset gamepasses. It was intended to show you that it was going to happen. They will not make updates to gamepasses. Period. Regardless of whether you know why or not. For whatever reason, they’re getting rid of them eventually, and they’re not going to add features to something that’s just going to get removed (as ostrichSized already said).

There is actually. They have two features doing similar things instead of one that does both. They have to maintain two features instead of one, and users have to learn how to use two features instead of one. That may not be very important to you, but I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s the sole reason they’re getting rid of gamepasses in lieu of developer products.

Bumping the limit to 12 is fine. It’s already supposed to be 15. Ordering gamepasses on the website with drag-n-drop on the other hand is almost certain to not happen.


I at least think they should track DevProduct sales before we say goodbye to gamepasses - even though we can manually do it, we can manually do a lot of things. That’s not a valid reason for it not being a feature.

They allow us to see the % sales of devproducts, which in my mind means they do keep track of sales (I’m sure they do), but they don’t allow us to see them.

How? It’s easy to say “this person bought this”, but what about consumables like revives? You could store “this person bought four of these”, but how do you tell ROBLOX they used one and only have three left now? Developer products have a lot more possibilities than gamepasses, but those possibilities mean saving data for purchases is usually specific to the game and there isn’t really a general way to save them.

IMO what would really make developer products easier to use is a better DataStore. In my games, I have a module that interfaces with DataStores so I don’t have to go near those beasts. Things like datastore failures, making sure I use enough requests, etc aren’t things I’d like to spend my time worrying about. That module I have makes it so I can save developer products like this:

dataManager:Update(player, "Inventory", function(oldValue)
    oldValue.Revives = oldValue.Revives + 4
    return oldValue

and it automatically handles retrying failed saves, caching of the data so I can access it instantly without using requests, etc. I could also store it as its own key if I wanted:

dataManager:Increment(player, “Revives”, 4)

With all of the DataStore technicalities out of the way, using developer products isn’t that difficult, and I think that’s where we should be headed as opposed to finding some weird way to make special datastores for developer products that are specific to them but general enough to work for all use cases.

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Why not a “Sales” and “Unique Sales” stat for DevProducts?

You can see how many overall sales it’s received, and how many individuals bought it.

Edit: then again this can be done easily with datastores.
I feel like at this point any opinion I state will be thrown out of the window, so I’ll just go ahead and give your reply a like and go back to being a lurker :wink: