Ability to specify a hex color as a Texture ID

It is too tedious to create single-color textures. You can upload it as a decal, but unless you make the image size larger than 1x1, which increases file size, it’s going to somehow get declined most of the time. It would be a lot easier to be able to put a hex color in the Texture property and have the game generate a 1x1 pixel image with that color.

Upload a white image and use the Texture.Color3 property to change the color to whatever you need.

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There are places where you can’t do Color3 and as I said, uploading tiny single-color pixel images gets moderated most of the time.

Can’t you just use a SurfaceGui and insert a frame that covers the whole surface? Then just change the color of that?

I suppose it could lag with too many, but still.

Also where can you not use Color3? What are you trying to do?

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I have heard that static SurfaceGuis should have a more or less similar performance impact to Decals, but haven’t tested if that’s true myself.

The impact seems v minimal;

Orange is counting how many image labels there are, I believe I reached 10k before hitting any issues.

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Are you sure? I thought they’d covered most if not all bases on this now?

Skyboxes. Also skyboxes.


Skyboxes and the Lighting service in general is really in need of revision.


And teams.