Ability to use some HTML tags in the game description

Why this would be nice:

Right now game descriptions look quite bland, thus making people less likely to read important information pertaining to that game. Being able to use HTML tags such as bold, list, small, and italics would add more life to your description.

Examples of this implemented in a description:

Using list to define a recent update,

  • New shop items.
  • Fixed teleportation bug.
  • Refined tutorial system.

Using bold to describe the following text,

The Games Backstory - It began in the year 2067…

Thank you for your time,
If any of you have suggestions of other tags that would be useful, or any constructive criticism / feedback on this feature request then feel free to reply.


Interesting suggestion. For your information, this should go in Web Features (#feature-requests:web-features), not Client Features, since this pertains to the Roblox website and not the game client/engine.

It is important to categorise your post correctly so that the right people see your post. You can move your post to a different category by hitting the pencil icon next to the title of your thread or the first post, and then selecting the right category instead of Client Features.

Thanks, I was a little uncertain of putting it in this category.

This would be much better than users making their own emoji bars to spot things out. Support


There was a suggestion for text formatting pretty recently:


Happy that some one has brought this up before, I did not know of that thread.

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I don’t know how this isn’t a thing yet. Most game browsers nowa days have html tag support.

I mean, just imagine how eye catching you can make your description.