Ability to use Xbox Menu Button

With respect to the Xbox controller, developers are left with undesirable UX for the opening of developer-made pause menus.

I wish to open a pause menu of my own using the Xbox button called the ‘Menu Button’. Which, is currently being used by Roblox to open their ‘ESC menu’.

Eventually, I hope to negate Roblox’s Menu entirely. Allowing developers to make their own menu with the same and more functionality of Roblox’s current ‘ESC menu’. This feature request is but one puzzle piece.

The button I am currently using and the issue behind it:

The best option for toggling a pause menu, other than the ‘menu button’ , would be the ‘view button’/‘selection button’.

The issue with using the ‘view button’/‘selection button’ is that Roblox uses this button for UI navigation, which, complicates things sometimes. And, this button is undisariavle from a UX perspective.

Roblox’s use for Xbox’s ‘Menu Button’:

Roblox uses the ‘Menu Button’, obviously, to open their own menu. I understand the reason behind having this menu here, it’s a hub of all the things you expect to be there including the settings.

But, what if we developers could create our own pause menus with the exact same functionality as Roblox’s? Then Roblox’s menu would not be needed and thus could be disabled without loss of anything.

My idea here is obviously utopian as you can’t trust every single developer to handle some of the following responsibly:

  • graphical quality via scripts
  • reports system
  • Fullscreen toggling

This feature request brings up many things, it’s all connected. You can’t bring up UX of menu toggling thing without the elephant in the room, negating the Roblox ESC menu.

With that, I thank you for reading and I hope to see a day where developers can make effective menus with industry standard UX.