About our upcoming Global Compliance System

Is this feature live?

Right now I’m debating on considering of going against my own political views to ask my co-workers if this is an option we should consider, if we do choose to go down the route of profit over ethics then how does one officially comply to allow players from china to play our games.

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Basically, you are saying you don’t want Roblox in China because you are scared of competition. That’s ridiculous. There’s nothing stopping someone from America making a clone of your game right now


What’s in place to stop Chinese Devs from stealing games and UGC creations?
China is a hot bed of copyright infringement after all.


Nonsense - games, UGC, and all other assets have the same risk of being stolen/having their copyright infringed upon regardless of what country has access to it, and Roblox doesn’t need to implement different protection measures per region.


Be real with me here. A lot of knock off versions of games and everyday products come from China. It’s not really unreasonable to ask if Devs will still have the same copyright protections like they have in the States and other countries.

It’s not really far-fetched to be worried about a Roblox developer getting their game jacked and then their real game gets buried by copy cats.


I agree, there is already enough copies on Roblox and having copies that are endorsed by China would make the problem even worse.


How? You think Roblox China is going to rip your game file and distribute it to developers? There is nothing stopping someone from America stealing your games’ basic concepts and recreating it. This is called competition. Unless someone is directly ripping your source code and reuploading it, then they’re perfectly fine doing what they’re doing. Create a better product than them.


Opening a game to China will basically mean you’re giving away your rights to the game IP. Quite a number of people has mentioned it already.


I think people are worried that Roblox will be flooded with so many Chinese knockoffs that it will be impossible to find the original.


I am asking a genuine question. When someone makes a copy of your game (via stealing files through exploit), usually they never gain any significant traction because players would much rather play the real deal instead of some clone. But, if developers are given the choice to open their game up to China, those who don’t make their games in China may result in stolen copies of their game gaining prominence in the Chinese game page.

If a developer doesn’t want their work to be available to the Chinese market, they should have their wishes honored. Obviously, Roblox will honor that part, but what I want to find out is if they will enforce standard anti-copy rules when it comes to the Chinese market. Specifically, if a game has their assets stolen and republished in a Chinese Roblox game, then can the original developer have that clone be taken down via a request to Roblox? This is a legitimate concern because if the real game isn’t available in China, then a copy could gain popularity in its place.


First they have to remake the game to be compiling with the strict rules of what is allowed and what isn’t. Most games don’t qualify since currently most popular games are based off loot boxes and China banned those.


No. They usually never gain significant traction because it doesn’t contain server-side files. The game literally doesn’t function.


Yes, but that doesn’t answer my question. Plus, what if your game does comply with all of the restrictions made for China, but you simply do not want your game released in China? Does that mean someone with an exploit client can steal your assets, create a copy game, and make money off of your work in China?

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Have you seen “modded” Phantom Forces? Someone with access to PF’s client assets was able to successfully copy the original game by recreating the server scripts based on inference. Someone with enough patience can recreate the server-side functions of a game, especially for games that have most of the core game programming written client-side.


My response was “if they steal it, they have to remake it first”. Going back to what you asked just now:

Then you’re being a dummy for not keeping the core scripts server-sided or your account more secure since that’s how PF got leaked.


I’m not thrilled with this idea. Because China has a STRICT POLICY AGAINST VIDEO GAMES! And us Roblox developers can’t read all the guide lines just for 1 country. We can get more visits but we won’t spend months & months just for 1 country. It’s not fair for us developers but I respect that you are not forcing us into this. But from my opinion I don’t like it. There’s just too much guide lines ex: no skeletons in VIDEO GAMES! Like come on, half of the games have skeletons! Me and my team will not change our game just for the sake of China. And many developers will agree with me.


Have you seen that those copies are not popular and have gained near zero traction?

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I’m relatively certain most of the big game leaks were from very bad vulnerabilities Roblox had that were taken advantage of before promptly patched; there is nothing the creators of the games affected could’ve done about that.


You are not making sense to me. What does your game complying with the China restrictions have anything to do with “you’re being a dummy for not keeping the core scripts server-sided or your account more secure since that’s how PF got leaked.”

If your game complies with China restrictions but isn’t released to China for other reasons, then you have to be extra careful of your game’s files being stolen, because if they do, then nothing can be done to stop the copy?

Also, you are a fool if you think you can “keep the core scripts server-sided” for all types of games. For a minigame place, sure, you can have most of your important scripts run server-sided. But, for a first person shooter or any other type of modern, non-humanoid-reliant type game, most of your important code for gameplay will have to be on the client for latency reasons.


I see. But, that’s besides the point. The question I would like answered is: if someone uses stolen assets from your game to release a game to Chinese Roblox (which seems to be somewhat its own separate thing), will you be able to request Roblox moderation to take down said copy? I know taking down copies is a thing for regular Roblox (I’ve heard about it happening multiple times for some prominent games), but do these same standards/rules apply for Roblox China?