About the Forum Bugs category

Use this category to report forum-related technical bugs.

Do not use this category for bugs about other areas of Roblox (unrelated to forum). Post those in #bug-reports.

Do not use this category for platform issues or non-technical issues. Please use #forum-help:forum-features for requesting solutions for non-technical forum issues. To report bad forum content posted by other users, use the flag feature on the inappropriate content instead of posting here.

How should I write my bug report?

Make sure that your bug has not already been reported! Use the search in the top-right to look for topics!

Your bug report must have:

  • Descriptive title;
  • Detailed description of bug;
  • Information on when it started happening;
  • Screenshots and videos of the bug;
  • Steps to reproduce the issue (be minimal, specific, consistent!)

Who can post here?

  • All forum members can create topics in this category and reply to topics.
  • Anyone can see this category.