[Action Needed] Upcoming Changes to Asset Privacy for Audio

Ah yes, I’ll use money I don’t have to hire people.

Most small devs do it out of passion or to learn.
Most of the time small devs don’t have the money to hire someone.
I don’t run ACS, it’s a free to use combat system a bunch of much more skilled people made for others to use, and design their own guns for it.
I’m a small dev, I don’t have the time to make my own assets, I have other things to do. I’m taking a game design course, it’s in unity.

I use free models, ACS is a free model gun system , viethin is a free model gun system.
I even see front page games that use free models.

This update, as I said before in my first few posts on this.
Hurts small devs in massive ways.

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What will developers like you do with the “Radio” gamepass? Since it will be basically useless after this.
If it gets taken offsale the players who bought it should get some kind of compensation.

As per most people under this topic, this isn’t necessarily acceptable. I do not entirely support this change. In just about 10 days, all audio assets longer than 6 seconds will not be accessible if you don’t own any of them, which I find a little ridiculous.

Then comes the “Free Audio Uploads”, which you can now upload audio for free… but with a monthly limit. Seems like a good addition in replacement for removing thousands, if not millions, of preexisting audio. I understand that this monthly limit is to avoid spam and all, but the fact that you’d have to wait until 30 days to finish to be able to upload the same amount you can upload is generally a bad idea (mostly for people who can upload 10 and/or 100 per month with hundreds of audios to replace). For me, I can only upload 10 audio files within 30 days, which is definitely a bummer as an active developer.

I just dislike how all existing audio assets will be private. This is totally unnecessary. The private option is already good enough, why automatically set every audio asset to private?

I am aware of the copyright lawsuit, which is likely the reason why this update is happening in the first place. But if this is really the reason, I can understand why they are doing this. But what they really should fix is the moderation system… There is just so many problems with roblox, to the point where Roblox needs to suffer to realize what wrong they have been doing to their platform.

This will possibly be the worst rated update in roblox in history. But if this update does happen, hopefully it won’t be as bad as it sounds.


I think some developers won’t give compensation just yet because either they are waiting for the change to be executed or for it to be cancelled or put on hold.

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Roblox’s developer community is already crumbling because of this, So Roblox will be going extremely downhill from here on out if this comes out to actually happen.

I’ve already lost all of my workflow and game projects because of this, Only a matter of time before I move entirely if this actually happens.


One of the developers for a game I work on received a 7 day long ban for reuploading audio to the group that hosts the game in compliance with the update.

We have over hundreds of audios that need to be reuploaded, and we don’t have the time to check what could be minutes upon minutes of audios given our schedules and the time span Roblox gave us.

This is unacceptable, we shouldn’t be given bans for complying with this awful update.


Exact , and I believe you need have the rights to use it .

Allow me to add that this audio must have already been approved by Roblox once, and because of how it was acquired, it’s quite literally the exact same audio file. I have reuploaded audio in the past and it’s been approved instantly, which means whatever bot scanned this got it wrong this time and falsely flagged it.

I cannot believe we’re expected to comply with this crap.


Reminds me of when a game was taken down for blood…

Remember Roblox did a game review of bloodfest.

I will probably lose almost all music in all my games. Probably nothing I can do about it to keep it as it is. GG.


Most small devs do it out of passion or to learn. <<< Well, you could always give Audio a try then couldn’t you?

Ah yes, I’ll use money I don’t have to hire people. <<< I did say you could always get someone to do said passion project with you.

I don’t run ACS, it’s a free to use combat system a bunch of much more skilled people made for others to use, and design their own guns for it. <<<< Most of ACS sounds are fine, the only affected sounds from ACS is the Marbal footstep sounds and Metal and Alert and a other, i went out my way to show you its okay https://gyazo.com/78ccf2ca99ddc9e63d7475233eb9fec2.mp4 << See, all good

Might be completely unrelated but could roblox be doing this to get rid of inactive developers? Its quite a wild theory I barely believe it myself but maybe…?

Doubt it. There’s not many inactive developers and not really a reason to get rid of them if they are still making roblox money.

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Wild speculation, But you might be onto something here! :thinking:

(This is a joke - I doubt Roblox would do that. If they wanted inactive devs gone, They’d just ban them. And actually, They’re already kinda doing that with old inactive accounts from 2008-2010!)


It’s funny seeing you talking about small developers, when you have 3 million visits. Small devs are effected by this, you a big dev is not. You can easily hire people, while small devs can’t. Don’t talk in the shoes of small devs when you ARENT a small dev.

also sign this: Petition · Revert Roblox audio update · Change.org


Wrong wrong very wrong , it’s just copyright alright?

  1. Why would they remove Inavtive devs?
  2. If they’re still making stonks off this, why would they.
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…okay. So ACS is fine. The engine is fine.

What about the 1000s of Community Made guns with custom Sounds? Or viethin, or even Wolfenchan and their vehicles and guns.
Some Systems won’t be touched, but the issue is. The sounds which are touched are sometimes baked into the scripts. Meaning the sound breaks the gun breaks. Not to even add the fact that any 5+ Long audio gets privated and effectively deleted since lots of users who made them aren’t active. Or the fact that we won’t be able to listen to remixes of songs which would fall under fair use.

I understand your points. I do. But this update affects many other small devs…
And learning audio isn’t easy at all, nor is coding, nor is modeling!

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The only thing that bugs me about this is sounds being privated, and the sound limit. The moderation length was always going to be an issue but I dont think people would mind.

Pretty much sums up this situation.


Please specify? Who did Roblox sue or attempt to sue and for what?