I don’t think this was confirmed, a bunch of DevExers have said they don’t have 2000 audios per month.
That makes me madder, not at the music labels, but at ROBLOX for not telling us! We are the reason they have an income, and yet here they are hiding these from us like we aren’t to blame somewhat. With that said tho, they could have handled that differently, I am not gonna try and say they’re terrible for being forced to do this but it seems a bit of a huge stretch to go that far with privacy and sharing. Unless they were given a deadline themselves to stop people from using copywritten audios.
It’s most likely a bug in the system as this is new.
Yeah sure if I download a random audio off YouTube and upload it to Roblox it’s now Roblox’s. That’s not how it works.
Whilst I’ve posted this before, there needs to be action taken! Come sign this petition against the new changes that will distroy our very fabric of crativity: Petition · Petition Against Private ROBLOX Music Assets - New Update · Change.org
From what it looks like, the producers were specifically after boomboxes and radios, so I think Roblox is trying to restrict the source in order to stop the distribution of copyrighted audio.
That still doesn’t stop the audio from being copyrighted.
I want to know what robloxs thought process was when making this change other than “protect users assets”. I don’t think a lot of thought went into this change tbh, bad update lol
Oh my gosh, it’s like the ROBLOX community is falling apart… First the Talent Hub, now this…
Ok, but that still doesn’t give reason to limit all audios tho. The issue for me now isn’t that they are making all audios private really as much, I mean ya it sucks and should be avoided, but then going further to prevent them from being reactivated afterward until they find a solution is a bit of a kick in the pants. That doesn’t solve the issue, they first off should have let us know and gotten ideas from their literal revenue stream first off, and second, found some compromise before just up and restricting all access.
The only feasible reason I see them doing this is again the fact they are being forced to do it via a legal deadline of some sort.
The whole free audio uploads thing is cool and all, but what happened to powering imagination? The audios that used to be able to be freely used will hurt small time devs who can’t afford sound designers. Not to mention the fact that this has already probably broken many games.
problem is not within not being able to afford sounds/sound designers, that stuff is covered by kevin macleod
the problem is with games that use an extensive library of audios
This is just great. Allegedly the music industry caused this abrupt update to be announced which then caused Roblox stock to hit a record low, and the fact they are indefinitely halting custom audio availability makes it seem the future is not bright at all for Roblox, or at least its community. I expect way more from Roblox over this.
Taking a step back, this is what I am seeing honestly. I hope the dev team sees this because this really is for them more than just a comment.
They’re being forced to do this, the stipulation is they have to stop the spread of unlicensed music, that is understandable I can’t see any other way around that really if that were the case. But their actions arent without criticism. Here is what I say.
They have a good algorithm to begin with for stoping these copywritten materials from being uploaded, and charging prevented spamming like their having issues with now. The thing tho I will say is bypassing those filters isn’t gonna stop, they will find a way around this like they did the other barriers.
This DOESN’T however mean what they’re doing is the right way of doing it, if they’re trying to find a way to allow sharing while complying with this lawsuit from a conglomerate that only cares about money what they should do is add a second step. Have it uploaded and filtered as before but if they want to make the audio to where it will work off their own games or even better yet, be audible to other players it has to go through a second verification that is manual or more stringent than the cursory upload filter. That is better than just blocking all audio sharing, and more over they can go through and check existing audios to make sure they are allowed.
I myself have songs that I have gotten permission from the rights-holder to upload, they know about them so if I am able to do that they can surely make sure that there is a note somewhere saying this audio is allowed.
its really sad how roblox didnt elaborate how you get which limit and I think that sadness is reflected back to the majority of this update
I REALLY hope this is just some weird witchcraft and wizardry misunderstanding and they dont actually mean it when they say they’re removing all these essential audios
we have 12 days, use them wisely to speak against this
I know a yt who talked about this, his name is shark blox. He has over 1 mil subs and has spoken about this issue
We need all popular roblox youtubers to cover this.
I love how uploading things are becoming free now. Roblox is giving more reasorces for devs like me who have no money. Can’t wait for new SFX!