[Action Needed] Upcoming Changes to Asset Privacy for Audio

I know a yt who talked about this, his name is shark blox. He has over 1 mil subs and has spoken about this issue

We need all popular roblox youtubers to cover this.

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I love how uploading things are becoming free now. Roblox is giving more reasorces for devs like me who have no money. Can’t wait for new SFX!

I was notified of this situation by ChloeGames, a medium-large youtuber. They detail the situation as a whole pretty well. Thank god to youtubers and their newspapers.

OK, first off, horrible update. I’ve spent all of yesterday reuploading audios for a group game, it showed as a blue checkmark yesterday, I come back today and now it’s red now. What gives? Now I ran out of the audio and I literally can’t make a new sound and my game’s gonna be mute. Great.

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holy moly you guys are over reacting “omg this is gonna kill roblox”, every single time roblox makes some sort of update its instantly countered with that stupid statement. Another stupid thing people are saying is that “why don’t they just make a content id system youtube has one”, Do you know how broken the content ID system on youtube is?, do you know how easily abusable it is?, even Twitch doesn’t have a content ID system

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Its not gonna kill roblox but it is gonna severely affect it in ways that may cause a few devs to leave.

It’s embarassing to see that this post has been up for almost 29 hours and there is still no proper response to the backlash from anyone on the roblox staff team.

Around about this time, Sorcus posted his reply from the backlash on the New materails for Terrain and Parts update about 9 months ago. Sorcus’s reply was #1204.

This thread is now ~2400 posts long and continues to grow.

Yet, it’s decided that instead of responding on the backlash and going back to the drawing board, you decided that you’d rather edit the post a third time, and expand the FAQ. This is cool and all, but these edits are more vauge then ever.

What? This doesn’t answer why random players have a 2000 limit with no ID verification, no Devex eligablity or use, and extremely low place visit numbers. This is just reinstating the exact same sentence earlier in the OP.

This is not helpful. I’m very disappointed to see this.

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To the overreaction claims: They’re not overreacting, over 70% of all existing audios are going to be effectively deleted, the resources that Roblox are trying to replace it with don’t even account for and replace a good amount of the sound effects that are usually more than 8 seconds long, this is going to demolish a lot of the sounds in MANY already established games.

The content ID system is flawed on youtube, yes I understand that but at least it’s vastly better than what Roblox has. ESPECIALLY since it can easily pick up audio copyright infringement.

The simplest fix to all of this backlash is to NOT set everything that already exists to private, just let the moderation go through it all and it’ll work just as fine without these catastrophic results.

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one scroll though this thread and roblox twitter. and that’s all everyone’s saying. At the end of the day the only people to blame for this update are us developers and regular players. Roblox wouldn’t have been forced into doing this update if people didn’t use roblox likes its the pirate bay

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No audios are being deleted. :slightly_smiling_face: You should re-read the post if that’s what you believe since that is not the case - not in the slightest.

I know, I said that as well at first. Also, I agree, tho Roblox isn’t blame-free here, they could have been honest from the start with us over this whole issue and got our input as to a good way to proceed. For instance, he said that they are only temporarily withholding the ability to share audios on other maps til they figured out a better way. Well… you have an entire player base who is essentially adept at creating games, not to mention that we aren’t exactly idiots, why not get our ideas as to a good way forward instead of just shutting us out. Yes, we started this that does mean we can help fix it too.

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But this is like forcing us to reupload the audios, which is free but a complex process I spent 1 hour trying to do it and realized if it’s a group game audios must be on the group page uploaded. Almost like how animations work.

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You’re oversimplifying our argument into one sentence. Which even then is incorrect.

I know you have 22h of recent read time, but have you even properly taken the time to genuinely read the points presented in some of the posts? They imply that if this update is pushed, roblox will take a loss, not that roblox is going to “die.”

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Note how I said "Effectively"

Yes, they’re not being deleted, but they’re being set to private, making them practically useless.

Most developers that use the audio library primarily use it for sound effects and ambient noise, and 90% of that time it goes over the 6 second sound limit for what will get automatically set to private.

This would be fine but the people who have made these audios will not be able to set it back to public once this change has rolled out for who knows how long.


I love how you resort to saying
“all of you are overreacting”
instead of making your own point

tu quoque logical fallacy
so commonly used
I hate it


Rest in peace to literally every radio game pass ever

If that doesn’t show you just how many games use radios, I don’t know what will.

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i mean am i wrong? some people on here are acting likes it the end of the world. Have some trust in roblox they know what they are doing. this entire ordeal is going to be forgotten in like a week

It’s really interesting reading this thread. People on both sides have brought up good points, and I’ve started to see Roblox’s side on this. It’s unfortunate that it has to be this way, but it is what it is. We’ll live, Roblox will live, we’ll just have to adapt to the new audio system.

I trust roblox, the only thing I dont trust is this update
we’re not all declinists

and no, this will not be forgotten, it will just not be talked about
systemic racism isn’t really a trending thing, yet it effects us every. single. day.
it’s one of those things that are sneaky problems that are slowly gnawing on the foundation