[Action Needed] Upcoming Changes to Asset Privacy for Audio

If someone is ID-verified and they get banned, they won’t be able to use the same ID to verify a new account. Essentially permanently banning them from getting more than 10 uploads unless:
A. They have another ID of a different person somehow
B. They waste money in order to so.

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Thought this was a good update at first, but might actually end up being the worst update we’ve every seen from Roblox! Let’s take a look:

:upside_down_face: Developers who have to rely on the free audio will have to potentially re-upload hundreds or even thousands of sounds!

:upside_down_face: We CAN’T use uploaded audio on our account on group games!

:upside_down_face: We absolutely cannot use audio of users who have edit permissions in our groups!

:upside_down_face: Hundreds of thousands of games will be completely silent or broken!

:upside_down_face: Boomboxes are effectively broken and developers only have 12 days to make a custom audio playing system with a catalog of their own! Go get on studio the clock is ticking!:running_man::dash::dash::dash::alarm_clock:

JIMMY IS furious, this was not thought out at all!

(The free audio upload is gud tho but doesn’t make up for this trash!)


The automatic privating is definitely an issue. Audio that was already free should remain free. I see no reason to make them private.


My thoughts exactly.

I’m part of a community revolving around a game that uses literal H U N D R E D S of public audios from the catalog not officially uploaded by Roblox (That game being Juke’s Towers of Hell). This is due to the fact that music from any of the mentioned official sources (APM, Monstercat, etc) do not fit any of the themes or timbre required for every tower’s (For general purpose scenarios pretend I mean “Level” when referencing “Tower”) atmosphere, some being as old as 3+ years. A lot of music used in these towers are uploaded by people in the community or not (Most likely aren’t), and a lot of those people are possibly no longer active on Roblox or were never even in the JToH community to begin with, and will neglect to reset usage permissions to public.

If audios are made private by default, many towers would suddenly have floors with unusual silence, breaking the theme and atmosphere because the audios that are being used on those floors are no longer usable, and using stock music is a crass solution that 9 times out of 10 will not fix the problem, because many artist’s styles (that were used specifically for the tower) are not compatible with the alternatives being supplied.

I’m thankful that audios are now free to upload, as needing enough robux to upload an audio was a real pain to deal with, but it feels like that (and uploading of more stock music) is a compromise for the fact that audios will have their permissions changed by the thousands is likely going to be devastating for many games. Action will likely be taken by the users to reconfigure the permissions of their audio assets, but only so many are going to actually do so.

UPDATE 2022-08-27:
STILL waiting for the feature to make audios public to come available. As for JToH, the staff are resorting to painstakingly re-uploading every single audio in game, so far only the first few areas have been successfully restored. This entire restoration has forced the game to be moved to a group and have many people, staff or not, re-uploading audios. More than half the game is still silent.

UPDATE 2024-01-15:
still waiting lol


Excited for free audio uploads.


I’m not a huge fan of already public audio getting privated automatically. Not only is this a pain for developers, but users as well. It seems nonsensical for audios that were uploaded with the intent of being public to be randomly set private, especially when a lot of Roblox users who have uploaded audio may be inactive. Top this off with a very short deadline and an ID requirement to be upload a barely sustainable amount of audios and yeah… that sucks.

Oh lord have mercy…


An unlisted mode is desperately needed, similar to the current behaviour of private audios, which would not list the audio on the catalog but would still work in any place.


Oh god, I just realized. The “Raining Tacos” song id isn’t going to work anymore, right?
This is horrible.


I genuinely thought it wouldn’t get much worse than the materials update, or the animation updates attempted rollout. I genuinely thought that there was a light at the end of the tunnel here. Yet here I am, a year later, after all of these “impending doom” updates, only to be greeted with the bloody Walpurgisnacht of all updates. If I had known this change was coming, I never even would have attempted to use this platform.

I had hope today, after hearing that the animation update was being re-thought, that maybe things would get a bit better from here, that Roblox was actively open to considering compromising with developers for their updates. Unfortunately, this is the most corporate, soulless, poorly-thought out, heartless, undermining, and downright fiendish update I’ve ever seen put forth.

I’ve been thinking about it for a while with all of these poorly-thought out updates, and to be honest, I think this is the straw that breaks the camel’s back. If this gets pushed without change, I quit. Not just developing, but playing other games on the platform. Honest to god. I’ve had enough. I’m absolutely fuming, and rightfully so.


great this is annoying
Roblox suddenly throws this at us and expects us to deal with it
Roblox is another one of those corrupt companies that don’t listen to their community’s


I literally have no idea. I have millions of place visits and this account has existed for almost 5 years.


Not by default. On March 22 every audio will become private (unavailable in games not created by the audio creator). Every audio creator will have to manually go to Roblox’s develop page and click each audio and manually change it back to public.

Not great.

I do not like this change in the slightest. Roblox does not pay enough attention to audio, just licensing a large amount of audio, stuffing it on the Library and calling it a day (as evidenced by the many incidents of inappropriate audio being uploaded by Roblox). There is no way for developers to easily find audio tracks that fit certain moods, lengths, genres, etc, just a long list of song titles that half of can’t even be previewed on the website.

I’ve noticed that Roblox are trying to go after larger development teams who can afford to, for example, produce/licence their own songs, at the cost of smaller developers who can’t afford all of this, but the problem is that the teams that have these resources aren’t going to want to sacrifice the limitations, risks & large monetary cut of working on Roblox, but those looking for fast & easy game development with a large library of community made assets (such as audios) are going to look elsewhere when 90% of their audio is gone.


Just because you don’t have any use for the audio limit doesn’t mean I don’t either. 100 is already a tiny amount for anyone doing any serious amount of voice acting AND you can’t even pay to upload more, which is just completely insane and nonsensical.


It should be made to where you can still pay robux to upload more audios past the upload limit.


I feel this change is going to cause disaster for so many developers if roblox doesnt first improve the audio search features in the creator marketplace. Almost every search I make yields several poorly named songs uploaded by Roblox. And now you plan on adding 100,000 more without adding relevant categories?

You’re leaving devs with two options, upload every single sound themselves, or laboriously trudge through the awful creator marketplace. Making things worse, the copyright system on roblox is broken, so myself and many other devs are hesitant to upload too many sounds that arent custom made.

Sounds need relevant classification and categories. The current genres really miss the mark in that regard. I believe many devs will attest to the pain that is searching through the creator marketplace. This problem really ought to be addressed before u make every single developer have to suffer it at once.


Some games use a LOT of audios, more than 10 or 100. Most developers cant even move all of their audios over to this new system in time because you are limiting them so harshly, leaving many roblox games quiet.

there NEEDS to be a better and FASTER way to re upload audios. YOu cant just say “HEYA! you need to re upload ALL audios you made otherwise your game will be quiet! also, you can only upload 10 or 100 audios per month. YOu can upload 2000, but we wont tell you how you can get this limit.”.

This frustrates me so much. Im really hoping you guys fix the release of this update.


And this will spread to things such as decals and meshes in the future, too? Although I don’t believe that roblox will make everything private in that circumstance, what will happen to the developers who used free assets that later went offsale?


Is this a joke? Am I forced to give a photo of my PASSPORT to an EXTREMELY SUSPICIOUS third party company just to be able to upload voice acting stuff?


I feel like there are more flaws to how this is presented than positives. Mainly the fact that all existing audios will suddenly no longer work if you aren’t the person to upload them. Yes, I can understand wanting to protect assets uploaded by another person but to forcefully apply this to everything is… Well, sloppy doesn’t even describe it.

In short, like stated before this will do more harm than good in the current state. Developers will have to either find new audios that fit it that are uploaded by Roblox, or find a new track to upload on the internet, and while yes Free Audios does fix the uploading part, it simply makes it as tedious as finding one on the Roblox Library.

Instead, you should allow people to make their assets private. And when set to not be private, allow all users to use the Asset ID without restriction like how it currently works. This gives the best of both worlds WITHOUT forcing every single user on the platform that uses audio uploaded by another person to siphon through their games to replace every single asset ID that would be “protected”.


This is literally all they need to do. THANK YOU!


It’s great and all that we get to upload free audios, but why can’t we use other creators? this doesn’t seem fair as you don’t ask us about how we feel about this situation. I wish we got a say in this.