[Action Needed] Upcoming Changes to Asset Privacy for Audio

This update is great for developers to upload their own audios if they don’t have the robux. I do like audio privacy, but here’s my issue on this:

  • There’s a lot of games that depends on the audio found and uploaded by the person
    ^ This makes everything hard for that person to replace almost every single audio that exists in their game if they do use that much audios.

I believe they should change their policy, any audio that IS PRIVATE won’t work anymore.
But any audios made public by a creator should be exempt.


Great update! Curious as to what determines if someone gets a 2,000 audio upload limit? My coworker, Ripull, has not verified their ID yet has a 2,000 limit. I also have a 2,000 limit, yet there’s no mention to what resorts in such a high limit?

Envato elements subscriptions now that we can actually secure our audio and follow their license requirements:

:chart_with_upwards_trend: :chart_with_upwards_trend: :chart_with_upwards_trend: :chart_with_upwards_trend:


So basically you’re telling me I just scammed 1000+ people with my game’s premium radio gamepass… Cant wait to tell all the complaining players that this isn’t a bug on our end but rather Roblox’s newest decision!


Just remember that someone who is verified does not make them more or less likely to upload NSFW. Roblox’s obsession with ID verification needs to stop immediately.


This is honestly stupid. Why will audios that have “allowed copying” on get privated. The reason someone would turn on copying is so others can use it. This update will make boombox gamepasses useless because people only like playing their favorite music, not roblox music. This update will also break so many games that aren’t getting updated anymore or made by people who don’t have the time to replace every single 8 second explosion sound that wasn’t uploaded by them. The only somewhat good thing about this update is free audio uploads. This feature will allow many more bypassed audios from being created though.


Nobody also wants to see boring, low-effort, monotone and lazy auto-uploaded 30 second loops that by some absolutely absurd chance contain profanity in the title because Roblox really doesn’t seem to care what the hell their bots are allowing on the site.

Also unrelated, but your games have sparked a major interest in meteorology for me, so thank you for that.


I do think that 10 is a small amount for non id peeps, at least let them upload more a month for robux (Similar style to the new badge system)

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How convenient, I was just thinking of uploading a song yesterday, but didn’t want to spend the price on it.

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Wouldn’t free audios still be able to be played?


The effects of this can be summarized nicely.
-Almost every song in every game is now forever unusable and needs to be replaced with a new audio from an extremely limited (by comparison) audio catalog.
-Audio stealing is now not a thing (this was a major problem?)
-Audio uploading is free when it always should have been like this anyway

If you wish to make a website that relies on user generated content, completely eliminating almost all user-to-user audio sharing is a remarkably poor decision.

Private audios should be private.
Public audios should be public.
Shouldn’t be so difficult to understand.


I don’t know how I feel about this. - Assuming that most vibe games use audio not owned by the creator, it’s gonna create a lot of problems for the game, players, and developer. The free audios limit is generous and all, but it lets audio bypassers create sounds easier on spam accounts. The 100,000+ free licensed audios, judging by the audios I’ve seen in the marketplace, aren’t going to be very good in certain games. Although a player can upload their own audios for free, they’re still limited to 10 per month. Some users don’t feel comfortable sharing a government I.D. with an online service either.


My game currently only has sounds from Roblox’s own endorsed cars, and yet they’re being flagged as not OK, which is a bit odd. Good thing you can upload sounds for free, I guess.

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what the hell? how did you manage this?


I’m split on this decision. I welcome the free asset uploading, but as the post says, most developers will not reach the limit, so the limit could be lowered, mainly to limit botted uploads. CORRECTION: 10 audio uploads per month is definitely too low of a limit for developers, contradictory to the announcement claiming that most developers won’t reach that limit, and it should be raised. Alternatively, something similar could be done with badges where the first few audio uploads are free but the rest cost Robux.
I’m against automatically making existing private audio unable to be used by others, especially since audio may be uploaded in a group, kept private, and only provided to friends for personal use by a few (this is how I use audio from my friends). Audio should not be able to be freely used by anyone just so friends can use them too in this situation. I realize that a solution to this problem may be reuploading the same audio, but this will be a hassle if many reuploads need to be made and will result in duplicate audio uploaded on Roblox, and storing all that audio that didn’t need to be uploaded again seems a bit inconvenient and redundant. Therefore, the decision of making audio completely private should belong to the user who uploaded the audio. I propose doing away with automatically making existing audios private and instead adding a configuration on audio for the uploader to choose:

  1. fully private;
  2. personal (whitelist users/groups);
  3. hidden (free but does not appear publicly like on the toolbox); and
  4. fully public.

Please do not disallow creators to use audio that they have been using with permission just because they have not been made free to be used by all users.


Not if it’s longer than 6 seconds. It’ll automatically be made private by roblox.


Not if they’re over 6 seconds.

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This is a terrible, awful update.

Free uploads do not help with recovering the damage done to a lot of games, such as group games.

I work on a game that uses hundreds of sounds, most of which uploaded by me or the other person I work with into our own inventories.

First problem : It’s a group game. Literally all of that audio will have gone to a complete waste because we can’t use it anymore. I found 0 use in uploading those audios to the group before this, so that’s literally the entire game ruined.

Second problem :
the upload limit per month. 10 uploads. every 30 days. I get you can increase it, but I am NEVER in my life going to verify my REAL PERSONAL ID to upload more audios.
Can you at least tell us how to increase this limit other than the ID verification? I see some people with 2000 uploads a month. How.

Third problem :
6 seconds? Really???
Most of the audios are things like gunshots and explosions and all that. Most of which are longer than 6 seconds. Doesn’t really matter considering the group thing, but still.

Can you at the least increase it to like 15 seconds? Even that might not be good enough but it’ll be much better.

Overall, terrible update. Privacy is important and I’m glad you are focusing on it, but you also have to note all the hundreds and thousands of games that will suffer greatly from this.

Stop doing this. Please.


It seems anyone who has DevEx-ed once has received this. Many I know who have got 2000 DevEx-ed at least once.

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and the gears? many gears on roblox use audios longer than 5 seconds, a good example is Amethyst Periastron that uses a 30 second sound effect [Large distant explosion, heavy rumble - 03, sound - Roblox], would the audios continue?