[Action Needed] Upcoming Changes to Asset Privacy for Audio

What about those who do not trust roblox with handing over IDs? Simple, they are screwed because of those “limitations” designed to punish those who do not wish to upload their ID. I do not trust roblox on this as you know how “secure” their security is.


Okay, I want to say another thing. As everyone said, leave old audio as-is and apply the new rules to newer audio, please, so at least this update would be somewhat okay in my book. Also, if every audio has to go through this process, wouldn’t the servers containing the audios have… uh… UNFORESEEN CONSEQUENCES?

Highly doubt it, but it could be possible.

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I own the group and its a mix of audios uploaded to the group & uploaded to my own account. I also own all the audios uploaded to the group.


Not to mention, if you needed to upload, let’s say, 150 audios, which is a good ammount for a game btw, you would have to wait more than a year. How crazy is that?

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If it’s uploaded to your own account and you’re attempting to use it on group experiences, they won’t work.

In return i can’t:

  • Chat with my friends on VC or even hear people if im the creator and my place has enabled VC
  • Join them in VC servers,
  • Have my portfolio discovered by other non-verified developers or even browse other non-verified portfolios.

What hurts me the most is that i have been on roblox for over 9 years and they still treat me like this. Just because i do not trust roblox with such personal things like IDs.


Also Roblox is planning to add +13 games so be prepared to not be able to play alot of games.


My game has music blocks, people use those to play sound effects like helicopters sound effects or engine startup sound effects, those are most likely longer than 6 seconds.
this means the sound blocks will become useless and i’d have to add every single possible ID myself in just 11 days.

I already had trouble with getting sound effects in my game and always used the toolbox to find sound effects, but now that everything is privated my game will be silent forever.

The game is also stuck to someone else his profile which means we wont be able to use any audio because the owner has to upload them and the owner of the game is inactive which means im screwed over by this update because there is no way to transfer a game to a group game so my game will be completely silent forever and i wont be able to add any new sounds in the future.

This should 100% be delayed as it will completely kill games like this.

Also why is it forced to verify with our ID, i will never verify my ID in order to do stuff like this, this is why i still haven’t verified my ID on youtube even though i am 21 years old.


They care more about their investors who have no idea on what roblox is about other than another promise of another corporatized soulless “metaverse”


Lawsuits aside, Roblox has eleven days to “respect the community”, like they did for several creators after the pre-Halloween outage. Can they do it?

Are you sure this is actually an issue? I’m not verified and neither is this person but I can view their portfolio


In addition, unverified people have found my portfolio in the past as well.

Not saying verification is the greatest idea concerning audios, but I’m not sure this is a valid complaint.


Sadly, im not able to view their portfolio.

Search is locked to verified only.
When i go to settings im gretted by this:

Maybe it is because i have a PIN on my account to be safer? This is super dumb.


I uploaded these 14 hours ago. none of them are verified.
That 2 week deadline seems a bit short.


Really? What’s different from exploring the Roblox Audio Library and the endless non-copyright songs & sfx on the Internet.

Especially that you can now upload sounds for free.

They’re making all audios over 6 seconds “private”, meaning you can’t play them in games. This also applies to new audios, and until they add the feature, you won’t be able to make them public again.


They’re not doing anything to delete the audio. They’re just making it widely unavailable to those who found use in it.

Half of the sounds used by me don’t even have licensing problems, it’s just that somebody else uploaded them.

Yeah, I thought long-term when I made my Sonic morphs. Now I’m finding out that simple, intentionally freely available assets won’t work on them anymore once Roblox rolls this out to everything else. I can’t even replace the missing sounds because of the upload limit.

This update isn’t just bad, it’s poorly thought out, and downright stupid.


Yeah… but for people who don’t give their ID they get stuck with 10. You give the ID, you get 100. Nobody knows how to get 2,000. Seems a bit like favoritism? I don’t wanna give up my information just to upload some more audio’s.

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Isn’t the copyright policy on Roblox already enough to stop copyrighted audio? I don’t see how this is preventing it, you’re effecting everyone. Why not make the copyright policy much more stricter then? It’s almost like losing a part of your life I would love to upload audio and play for others to hear on my boombox and much more memories I got and it’s sad to see it go.


That’s one of the only things I look forward to as it should allow us to be more flexible in our choices of content.

Ok, I already knew this… I just wanted to say that it is not the biggest disaster.

And also I don’t think that Roblox will ever add again a feature to make audios public, I mean what’s the point of this update then?