[Action Needed] Upcoming Changes to Asset Privacy for Audio

free uploads are great for people who are ACTUALLY going to use them,

not really, before it took barely a few minutes to upload a music track, now it takes many many hours…

This is one of the punishments I’d Imagine in the hell of Roblox’s Dante.


honestly, the platform would be better off without this update, unless it was modified heavily:

  • having 10 measly audio uploads and basically giving your identity away just for 90 more;
  • basically ERASING all audio over 6 seconds, leaving behind generic templates;
  • and basically not giving people enough time to react properly.

this update will be the worst one of all. just fix it roblox…


Yeah, I’m not doxxing myself to get 90 more Audio uploads, not with security like Roblox’s.

Also this was already easy for rich people to upload audios, but now they can upload 2k uploads for free because they have millions of visits, so yet again only the small ones take the biggest weight to pull through with:clap:.

Noting again, people who aren’t fortunate or daring enough to risk exposing their identity through a awaiting breach are forced to wait years just to reupload all their audios. And mentioning again, this is straight up idiotic that the group owner’s audios can’t be used in the group’s games & visa versa.


I didn’t like the update, they forced us to upload audio and I get a warning to upload distorted audio. I’m afraid.

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Honestly, what I think about the audio change is already said by most of us. And the fact that all audios over 5.5 seconds will get auto privatized will make most of the games we play silent makes little to no sense to me. And this is the sore point that stands out to me.


Quick disclaimer: It’s actually down to 5.5 seconds, the numbers get rounded up and so 5.5 would be 6.


That makes more sense to me, been trying to reupload a engine audio and its below 6 seconds but its still not allowed.

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Wow so we get 10 audio uploads before most audio gets essentially deleted. Welp I suppose I need to find the best sound effects that my games use.

Hey by the way, here’s a small tip:

To download the sounds, just get BTRoblox, then go to https://roblox.com/library/audioID and replace audioID with the numbers in the sound’s sound property. Then you can hit the download button and reupload.

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Submitting your ID via ID verification isn’t doxxing yourself, that’s a bit dramatic isn’t it? :slightly_smiling_face:

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point still stands, some people are just simply not comfortable releasing information like that.
The wording is dramatic but the main point isnt


Huh, just fixed it. Thanks for the correction.

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especially if its Roblox, not to mention their system has been hacked 5 TIMES! one of which someone Pay’d a Roblox employee to see it :roll_eyes:


Yeah. I’m with you here. I’ve been false warned several times over decals/audio. That much that I moved over to alternate accounts. I’ve already downloaded all the audio I need to reupload for my group games but I’m too scared to actually do the reuploading part since my main is verified and has 100. But of course my alts only get 10. I just can’t be bothered to make alt, join group, log back into my main (that has 2FA and “trust this device for 30 days” doesn’t work) rank the alt so it that can upload audios, log back into the alt, upload the audios, have some get rejected, hit the 10 upload limit, repeat.


This update is terrible, you may get free audio uploads. But us developers have to entirely re do our games. Some of us can’t even repair it cause we can only upload 10 audios a month.

They plan on applying this to other assets like textures and meshes to.

Think of it this way, 99% of the Roblox games you like will be broken. This is not a good update at all. Think about this from the point of a developer. You’d see things differently.


This is pretty bad in regards to audio upload limits.

When I do audio updates I’m updating like 100s of audio files at a time with the bulk import.
It gets expensive but I can still cover it. It actually puts my robux to use for the game.

Having a free limit and then paying for whatever goes over would make more sense.


This is honestly garbage. The sheer impact this will have on the roblox platform was clearly not considered. Almost every game has almost all of its audio made by someone other than the creator. Sure, you get to upload free audios, that’s great, but you’ll need to replace them all in 10 days or less otherwise your game will be silent. Not everyone has the resources to replace every audio. This just seems like roblox wants everything to be branded about itself. Horrible update.

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It’s been three days now without a response, this is beyond embarrassing.

Are we seriously going to go through with this update without ajusting anything?!

I understand the reason behind this update and i’m not trying to sugarcoat it, but this update is still full of flaws even if I don’t consider current audios becoming private:

  • Action window being too small (especially for devs with 10/month limit)
  • Upload limit is unclear, many users have 2k/month without meeting any of the requirements
  • Group owners can’t use their own audio in group games
  • Free audios easily exploitable by bots, no real barrier to uploading

These are just the main ones I can think of, there are a few others but they’re fairly small, or are just overreactions.

How are we almost 4000 posts in with no response? I just don’t understand anymore.


I don’t think you fully understood what I meant, submitting your ID means it get’s reviewed, then when it’s confirmed to be real, it get’s saved into the data logs as a signature of proof of identity. If you think about how one person could easily be making a mistake or not properly looking into it, then what would be a way to figure out if someone’s identity confirmation/checkmark was false? Exactly. It would be foolish to freely let a staff worker be able to checkmark someone without logging it as “This happened, here is this user’s proof of identification in case of a situation.”, considering how impossible it would be to have a higher up supervise every one each. - You simply can’t tell me that any staff worker can be trustworthy when we talk about Roblox Staff.
The other point, Roblox’s security is very questionable and they usually mess up, would you really give in your ID and risk it to being exposed in a breach?


If you say this, you realize that all of the old games with old sounds will be completely muted.

They’re being sued alongside Veriff for not requiring better security regarding IDs. with knowing this, I requested to have my ID removed from my account (essentially de-age verifying it) and roblox support has yet to respond.

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