Well, doesn’t affects me that much, for my part i dont need to worry About that, As i can upload my own songs that a AI generated made
I don’t like this update, it’s really taken a toll on my development. Like seriously? Replacing almost every sound effect in our games just because we didn’t upload the audio ourselves? That’s ridiculous. I’m not a big fan of the limit either. Some people get 2000, some people get 100 because they verified their age, and some people only just get 10 like I did. I’m working on a project and I’ve already used the limit entirely and I still need to upload background music and sound effects. I like the idea of free audio but for the love of god please don’t restrict it just to that limit, at least let us pay the fee if we’ve reached our max uploads.
Just because it doesn’t affect YOU much, doesn’t mean other people can relate.
Do you think i dont know ?, i am just saying my part of what i think
One (1) of my pending audios just got approved after 12 hours.
That is a really good idea! Thanks!
Same issue, Roblox clearly rushed this plugin
Look y’all. I know Javascript, Luau, C++, C# winforms, GDscript, and python. You guys should at least try learning one different language.
Or, maybe they’re planning to ‘private’ the ones rounded up to 6 seconds and over. I’d replace those also if I were you.
i am back for another round of arguments.
I am seeing alot of people saying “omg this update is gonna brake my game” or “so many games are going to be broken”, like you know you can jut reuploaded the audio right? its free. Secondly all these so called games that are going to be broken, are probably inactive, or have never had a single person play them. Instead of wining on here why don’t you go and reuploaded your games audio you have until march 22
I know that
main problem is that nothing is really fixed and you can still bypass stuff
and you can get over the audio limit with alt accounts
they had an ENTIRE YEAR to plan this out
Yes, we understand that its FREE but it is only 10 uploads a month for most people. And most people have way over 10 sounds in their game.
do you really think an update like this can be fully thought through and excited on in just a year?,
“but I only have 10 audio uploads” … then start uploading or you can verify your age to get more
ID Verification does nothing. There are people who are ID Verified but still get 10 uploads. Plus ID Verification is not open for all developers. There are some young developers who are under the age of 13.
I heard someone else say that the limit is actually 5.5 seconds, which your sound exceeds that.
Unrelated to the post I am replying to, but this update stops bots because only the bot account would be able to use the audio, nobody else.
But if they add privacy setting to public, couldn’t the bot just set it public and that’d just defeat the purpose of this whole update?
Did we even need this update to prove that?
Gosh, just let a man have an opinion.
Strange, I uploaded 3 at the same time and they all got approved in less than a minute.
But the majority of us can only get 10 uploads per month. In other words, 10 audio uploads until Roblox essentially deletes 80% of their platform’s user-generated sounds.
you can definitely see some of the gaping problems of the current system in one year
but thats not my main point
main point is, it never really fixes anything involving sneaking in copyrighted music
I replaced it because I’m now terrified of Roblox making all audio private
I’d like to point out that the free music and sound effects that roblox releases into the creator marketplace aren’t as bad as some people here seem to believe. If you’re willing to sort through them long enough you can find some pretty amazing songs and sound effects of many different styles. With 100,000 more audio it might even be possible to make games without having to publish ANY of your own audio. Let’s just hope they decide to make their search engine better.
Most of the songs I use in my game are published by roblox.
I agree! Theres some really good songs I have found. I like the ones that were used when an audio was deleted and this song here: Hardstyle - Roblox
Then start uploading audio, so that your game can be fixed with in a realistic time frame, or better yet roblox is increasing, there licensed audio library, so i grantee you that one of those audios will fit the games people are making