[Action Needed] Upcoming Changes to Asset Privacy for Audio

If the drawback for getting free audio uploads (let alone at such a minimal amount unless you verified or with other means) is a game breaking change, then I disagree with such an update. Almost every game on roblox at some point or another has used audio not upload by the creator of said game, so this is pretty disappointing to say the least. You guys need to reconsider and replan on how to go about this change, since to be frank it was executed poorly.


No idea, but the words:

sounds good to me! :slight_smile:

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Please remove this. I beg you.

I don’t care about the ‘free audios under 6 seconds’ and the 100000 new songs. I don’t want people to have to go back in their inventory and manually set each and every single audio to public.

By making the audios restricted to your own, or any others under 6 seconds, is just saying “Hey look we’re appealing more to the big game studios, good luck to smaller devs to try and get their game off the ground”.

I ask you to remove this feature. Please and thank you


:clap: Absolutely world class, ROBLOX! Let’s give them a round of applause!!! :clap: :clap: :clap:


LOVELY, plus more than 200k new songs that are copyright free? its like Christmas!

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At least make us pay for the audio after we go over the limit.


this is an awful idea, so many games will now lose all their audio and developers like me will be forced to spend hours finding and replacing audios


ROBLOX: Hey! You guys want free audio uploads?
Community: Yes, very much!
ROBLOX: Alright, all old audio will now be private after the 22nd.
Community: wait no


If creators wanted their assets to be private, they would mark them private. It’s clear most people who upload stuff, especially audio don’t care if other people use them.

Doesn’t it make more sense to apply this change ONLY to audios uploaded from March 22 onwards? If you are worried about copyright, does it not make more sense to go case by case over audio uploaded in the past? Doing it like this would mean Roblox wouldn’t have to worry about the public audio library increasing every day as it would be essentially frozen.

The fact that they are presenting this like it will help empower creators to manage their work is insane. The appeal of Roblox’s library is that people can upload assets, publically that other people can use, and we are now being told that they didn’t want to upload it publically so they are going to prevent them from being used in any game. What??


Funny, I have a limit of 2000 audio assets per month, meanwhile I am not:

  • ID verified
  • Premium subscribed

but I have:

  • DevEx’d

Kinda want to ask whether does everyone else getting the 2000 limit, also have devex’d before?

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Why don’t they instead spend a while fixing the terrible audio search bar, when you search up multiple words you get more results than if you only searched one word from what you would have searched.


same and some studio template games are flagged lol

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A very simple way to get around this is by downloading the audios with BTRoblox and uploading them yourself as private or public although I do not recommend this since it is a bit of a slap in the face for the developers who did work hard on these audios.

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nope, starting march 22nd, audios longer than 6 seconds will be private. Which means you can’t play/share animations with other users like animations. Any new audios will be private too, without the choice to make them public. So if you try to play the audio, it’ll error. Which means your GAME SCRIPTS COULD BREAK TOO. Resulting in a 2 week notice to fix hundreds of scripts which use sounds by other users, otherwise, your game breaks. You also can only upload 10 AUDIOS PER MONTH if u aren’t ID verified. If you pass this limit, you can’t upload any audios for the next 30 days(including paying for it). So in short, we got it, but at what cost

Alright, I am going to keep it simple. (edit: i totally failed)
There is no logical reason to retroactively apply these changes
Why? Simple:

  1. If a developer wants to private their audios, then they would have either
    a. Done so already
    b. Do it now
    If someone truly cared about their audio being public when it shouldn’t, they would deal with it.
    Additionally, a developer is far less likely to make a private audio public compared to a public audio private. It’s just how people work: we value privacy, but can’t be bothered to make stuff public (usually).
  2. This breaks a lot of games. Many games have a gamepass or other function which allows you to input your own soundid to play music, sound effects, etc. Those are more or less useless except for the preloaded stuff from Roblox, which many people don’t really like. Additionally, many games (like mentioned many times) cross-share audio assets between groups, people, etc, and that gets broken too unless they are set to public, which would be really hard to do for hundreds of audios.

The Solution?

  1. Don’t retroactively apply the change.
  2. Add scopes of privacy (truly private, friend private, group private, public), or the ability to “Share” your assets with groups/people for use in their games (like Google Docs, for instance).

This change is terrible and I don’t want to see it come out. We all don’t want to see it.
Plus, even if Roblox only cares about front-page games, clicks, etc, they will get hurt too, which makes the logic even more flawed.


every audio that u didn’t upload used in any of your games wont work anymore.

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ima just let my games fall silent idc anymore

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If this limitation actually does come out… It’s one I won’t forgive unless it’s reverted.

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I agree, my game will be broken by this as I use alot of audio made by other people, and my group games use audio uploaded on my profile, so I will have to make my audio public just to use it… right?


ngl i would rather get something like lower audio prices (350 robux is a ton imo) than all audio being free for the cost of the majority of user uploaded audios privated